Obama cannot imagine a constitutional reason to ban same-sex marriage

President Barack Obama has said he could not imagine a circumstance in which a state banning gay marriage was legal, the furthest statement in support of same-sex couples’ marriage rights made by the president. In an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, President Barack Obama said a state would need a “good justification” for treating…

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Military officials, servicemembers urge Supreme Court to end DOMA

WASHINGTON – Former Congressman and former U.S. Navy Three-Star Admiral Joe Sestak today joined with Former Congressman, Army Captain and Iraq War Veteran Patrick Murphy, OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Allyson Robinson and Staff Sgt. Tracy Johnson in urging the U.S. Supreme Court to end the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Thirty military officials and OutServe-SLDN,…

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New-York Historical Society to present exhibition ‘AIDS in New York: The First Five Years’ June 7 – Sept. 15

NEW YORK — The early history of the AIDS epidemic in New York City—from the first rumors in 1981 of a “gay plague” through the ensuing period of intense activism, clinical research, and political struggle—will be the subject of a major new exhibition at the New-York Historical Society, AIDS in New York: The First Five…

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AILA presentation March 28 at The Center: ‘Exploring LGBT Issues in Immigration and Employment Law’

The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) San Diego Chapter and AILA LGBT Committee are holding an evening presentation entitled Exploring LGBT Issues in Immigration and Employment Law Thursday, March 28 5:30-8 p.m. at The San Diego LGBT Community Center, 3909 Centre Street in San Diego. Presenting will be Ginger Jacobs, Esq., Jacobs & Schlesinger LLP;…

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Imperial Court and Empress Candi Samples kick off Children’s Easter Basket campaign

SAN DIEGO – For the past decade San Diego’s very own Imperial Court and countless volunteers have raised money and collected Easter baskets, bicycles, toys and more for underprivileged children to receive Easter Sunday. The Imperial Court de San Diego and Empress Candi Samples kicked off the 10th annual Children’s Easter Basket campaign at Bamboo…

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