San Diego Log Cabin Republicans see ‘showing up’ as part of reboot strategy

BY VICTOR HOFF Last night at the Diversionary Theater about fourteen members of the San Diego Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) met as part of their ‘reboot’ strategy to increase membership, return the local chapter to viability and strategize on ways to better integrate the organization into the shifting dynamics of a Republican Party in flux….

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I Want Your Love

dvd of the week A couple weeks ago, Australia’s film censor banned I Want Your Love for being too sexually explicit, and that is also probably why the Travis Mathew’s film never found a nationwide distributer in the U.S. A gorgeously shot, naturalistic story of the last 36 hours that Jesse (the quite amazing Jesse…

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La Femme Nikita

dvr this Turner Classic Movies, 10:45 p.m., Saturday, March 23 Luc Besson became world famous with the great thriller La Femme Nikita, in which a teenage junkie (Anne Parillaud) agrees to become an assassin in order to avoid going to jail for murder. She’s not happy at first and it’s not easy. She is put…

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