A community Christmas story

In the early 1970s San Diego’s GLBT community was pretty much invisible. There were only about three gay bars all owned by straight people. Gays could not own a liquor license as homosexual acts in California were illegal until 1976. We were considered deviants, perverts, etc. The MCC was getting started and meeting at other friendly Christian churches. Dignity for gay Catholics was beginning to meet and The Center was a dream of Vietnam vet and long haired hippy Jess Jessop and he started our now LGBT Center with an answering phone in his apartment. A “gay hot line” as it were.
Up in San Francisco in 1965 Jose Julio Sarria was establishing what is now the International Imperial Court System and around 1972 and 1973 the Royal Court de San Diego was being organized as a chapter. Now there are chapters in more than 68 cities within the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico.
I decided to get involved with the Court because it seemed not only fun, but it held shows and benefits and well it really was about the only game in town. The first homosexual event at a hotel was a Royal Coronation at what is now the Holiday Inn at the Embarcadero.
The Court proved to be a fun fantasy where we could try and forget the police, bar raids, arrests, harassment, discrimination and hate all around us. The then mayor of San Diego refused to meet with us homosexual activists to discuss the police harassment. He said, “There aren’t really many homosexuals in San Diego.” When Jess Jessop, Attorney Tom Homann and I tried to get a permit for our first Gay Pride march in 1974 the police department refused to issue us one.
Empress Candi at Christy Place Until 1976 I knew many homosexual men and women who were sent to state mental hospitals by a judge or the signature of one of their parents. Many received electric shock treatment and never came out of these hospitals the same person they were.
It is in this environment, this hostile and hating society that the then gay community through the Imperial Court and bar patrons started doing benefits for needs outside of our own community, such as The Guide Dogs for the Blind, Union Tribune’s Children’s Shoe Fund, etc. We even raised funds for the Jerry Lewis Telethon. But the local hosting TV station refused to acknowledge that a donation came in from the Imperial Court and the gay community.
In 1974 the Imperial Court, bars and community tried to donate toys to the local Toys for Tots annual drive. But they refused to accept any donations from the homosexual community. (Their policy has, of course, now changed.) So in the early 1970s the Imperial Court and the gay community started Toys for Kids and donated to local agencies that would accept our toys and this annual campaign goes on to this very day.
What I’m trying to say is that since the 1970s when our community was first really organizing itself through the Imperial Court, Dignity, MCC and The Center, in a very homophobic hateful atmosphere we GLBT San Diegans were even then reaching out to help others in need. We homosexuals have always been a loving and caring community not only helping our own, but people less fortunate than ourselves … giving of our time and reaching deep into our pockets.
Empress Candi giving out toys at The Center Now, more than four decades later it warms my heart and makes me even more prideful to see nothing has changed. Our GLBT community is still as loving, caring and compassionate as ever – during the holidays especially.
Hundreds of people, families and children were fed during Thanksgiving – both gay and non-gay by The Center and The Imperial Court through Family Matters (special thanks to Jane, Carolina and all The Center staff and volunteers). And now as this Christmas season is ending, you the GLBT community, its organizations, bars and donors have made sure, once again, that the Imperial Court’s annual Toys for Kids drive, our food, blanket and clothes drive (which goes on until the end of February) has been successful.
Because of you – the GLBT community, family, friends and allies – hundreds of children got toys through different local agencies within our own community through The Imperial Court, The Center and Family Matters. More than 64 families with gay or lesbian parents with more than 140 children, not only got toys but food, clothing and, yes, some even got free tickets to Sea World!
I stopped by The Center this past Sunday for the annual GLBT family holiday giveaway … and today, Monday, is our last toy drop off to the maids, dishwashers and families of the Hotel Employees Union who are in need this year.
Empress Candi giving out toys at the Local Union on Market Street Please know that we appreciate everyone who donated and all the bars and businesses. But a special shout out and thank you to: Martinis Above Fourth, Urban Mo’s, Baja Bettys, Gossip Grill, Hillcrest Brewing Company, The Eagle, Numbers, Harvey Milk’s American Diner, Pecs, Caliph, Redwing, Bamboo Lounge, Ben Dillingham, Robert Gleason, Interim Mayor Todd Gloria, Councilmember Kevin Faulconer, Human Dignity Foundation, GSDBA, Junior and all the GLBT sports organizations, Mama’s Kitchen, San Diego Pride, Being Alive, Firefighters Association, Community Walgreens, Franko Gullien, Big Mike, Robert Rodriguez, Chris Ward, Rabbi Laurie Coskey, Bruce Abrams and so many, many others.
The Imperial Court de San Diego, Empress Candi, the board of directors and myself thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And, to let you know that other Imperial Court chapters in more than 68 cities across the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico are doing the very same thing in their own communities. These are true holiday stories.
In closing, I am reminded of the Bible verses: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25 v35, 36.
Truly, you are all doing God’s work. Merry Christmas.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for more than 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last six mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsandiego@aol.com