Uganda finally passes draconian anti-LGBT law

Uganda has passed its anti-LGBT law that has been under consideration since 2009. The law does not include the death penalty provision it once did, but rather imprisons LGBT people for life.

“Uganda’s anti-LGBT law specifically targets LGBT people with brutal persecution and is one of the worst human rights violations of our time.” said Ross Murray, GLAAD’s director of news. “The Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, Scott Lively, and Lou Engle in our own country created this travesty of justice, and it is now up to fair-minded Americans to speak out for the very lives of LGBT people in Uganda.”

According to Buzzfeed, the law was quickly and quietly passed. It was not on the agenda for the day, and many were not expecting it, including the president’s representative. However, Speaker Rebecca Kadaga, who has been pushing the bill, quickly introduced the law to the floor, where it passed.

The law must be signed by President Yoweri Museveni within 30 days to take  effect.

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