ATLANTA, — Despite having passed a 2004 constitutional amendment prohibiting Georgia courts from recognizing same-sex marriages, some married gay and lesbian couples are now finding that Georgia law obligates them to stay married – even after they have ended their romantic relationships.
According to Atlanta attorney Jeff Cleghorn, who manages the family law practice at the law firm of Kitchens New Cleghorn, LLC, since Massachusetts became the first state to allow same-sex marriages in 2002, many couples in Georgia have traveled to a marriage equality jurisdiction and tied the knot.
When Georgia’s newly gay married couples return home, however, they face a legal landscape that is stuck in time at 2004.
“I frequently receive calls from married same-sex couples whose relationships have hit the rocks, asking what they can do. The short answer, in most cases, is not much. Georgia’s courts are prohibited from granting gay divorces, leaving many former same-sex couples in legal limbo,” said Cleghorn.
“It seems almost inevitable that Georgia’s gay marriage ban will eventually fall, but perhaps not as soon as gay and lesbian couples would hope,” Cleghorn says. “Until then, married same-sex Georgia couples’ relationships remain uniquely vulnerable under Georgia law.”
Cleghorn says there are several signs that the national momentum behind same-sex marriage is making headway in Georgia, including a recent Atlanta Journal Constitution poll showing that Georgia voters now approve of same-sex marriage by a 48-43 plurality.
“Married lesbian and gay couples in Georgia have some, but not all, of the rights of marriage. One right denied to same-sex Georgia couples is to seek a divorce,” Cleghorn said. “It’s a bitter irony of the bigotry that inspired Georgia’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage that the very same law is effectively requiring some same-sex couples to stay married.”
In addition to helping LGBT clients find solutions inside and outside of Georgia’s legal system, the family law attorneys at Kitchens New Cleghorn also advise same-sex couples to research the reach and limitations of same-sex marriage in the state in which they will wed.
“Some of the more popular destinations for marriage such as Massachusetts and New York have residency requirements for divorce, which effectively prohibit Georgia couples from accessing those state’s divorce courts,” Cleghorn says.
Look into Cleghorn’s history of “supporting” gay marriage – like using the same wording as the anti-gay marriage National Organization for Marriage against his own husband when he got sick, Just like Newt Gingrich.