The mayoral primary is coming up and as I have stated before when the dust settles it will be Kevin Faulconer vs. Nathan Fletcher battling it out for the general election. I was not impressed with David Alvarez’s campaign as it seemed mostly aimed at Latino voters, though millions were spent on it. I think he was not ready to become mayor. He hasn’t even served a full term on the City Council. Good man … wrong timing.
LGBT Veterans’ Wall of Honor
Wow! What a most patriotic, prideful night of community love and respect to our LGBT veterans. The 2nd Annual Induction Ceremony of the Benjamin F. Dillingham and Bridget Wilson LGBT Veterans Wall of Honor drew a big crowd at The Center inducting an official Navy Color Guard for the first time, which presented the flags. Patrick Hammond’s rendition of the national anthem gave all of us goose bumps! This event was inspiring and moving for all in attendance which included State Assembly Majority Leader Toni Atkins. CNN News actually covered the ceremony and among those honored were two World War II veterans who recently got married, a former Navy Seal who has gotten national media coverage as a transgender equality advocate and a lesbian widow of a soldier killed in Afghanistan who was her wife. Outstanding job by Dr. Jacobs, Denise Serrano and The Center staff; and Sean Sala, the hard working chair of the Veterans Advisory Council. Congratulations to all the 2013 Honors which included Colonel Stewart Bornhoft, Capt. April F. Heinze, Command Master Chief Kathleen Hansen, Capt. Jacque Atkinson, Senior Chief Kristen Beck, Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen, Petty Officer Ben Gomez, Chief Petty Officer Morgan Hurley, Staff Sgt. Shaun Flak, Cpl. Evelyn Lynn Thomas, Petty Officer Joseph Rocha, Airman Carlita Durand, Will Rodriguez-Kennedy, Sgt. John Banvard, Specialist Jerry Nadeau; and Cpl. Stephen Peters. It was my deep honor as the Veterans’ Wall founder to give a few opening remarks. But trust me, the night’s heroes and spotlight were all rightly on our veterans!
DeMaio wins endorsement
San Diego has some of the best and most progressive Republicans in the country from Jerry Sanders, Ron Roberts, Bill Gore, Kevin Faulconer to Bonnie Dumanis. I and many of the national Republican Party could learn a lot from these local Republicans, and maybe their party would not be in such a mess. After months of being attacked by right wing extremists and Tea Party activists, “new generation” Republican Carl DeMaio was overwhelmingly officially endorsed by his party in his congressional bid over two other candidates.
Dallas Buyers Club
This is a must-see movie as it is a stark reminder about HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s. It’s a reality check on how the government was in a “business relationship” with the big pill companies. Yes, a very dark movie, but a very real movie that is important and factual. Some 30 years later it seems many have forgotten the struggles, horrors, death sentences and uncaring government and society of those early years of HIV/AIDS.
Christmas Wreath Auction – Dec. 2
Yes, mark your calendars for Monday, Dec. 2 when the whole town shows up at Martinis Above Fourth for the 10th annual Charity Christmas Wreath Auction. The live fun auction begins at 7:30 p.m. and Christmas wreath donations are now being accepted at 619-400-4500. This fabulous event raises thousands of dollars every year for the Eddie Colon Youth Fund that helps young children and students throughout the year with school supplies, food, bus passes, conferences, etc.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for more than 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last six mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsandiego@aol.com
On the bright side, you were 50% correct.
“Falconer vs. Fletcher” ? Not so much.
Now Nicole has endorsed Falconer in the final election. Nicole will maintain his flawless.0000 batting average as David Alvarez becomes San Diego’s next Mayor.