SAN DIEGO – The San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus (SDGMC) is singing a happy tune thanks to a matching grant from the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation (SDHDF) totaling more than $10,000.
“Ticket sales only cover about half of our expenses, so we are incredibly grateful for the help of groups like the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation,” said SDGMC President Cheri Curtis. “We couldn’t achieve our mission of using music for social change without their support and that of other groups and people like them.”
The chorus was presented the grant by SDHDF Executive Director John Brown who oversees the foundation’s work of improving San Diego’s LGBT community quality of life by promoting responsible philanthropy. In this program, the foundation designated $5,000 to the chorus to match qualifying donations as part of an overall $50,000 in funds to non-profit groups that deliver strong programs and services to the LGBT community.
The grant will help the chorus present its holiday show The Nutcracker (Men in Tights!) set for Dec. 14 and 15 at the Balboa Theatre. Tickets may be purchased at www.sdgmc.org or by calling (877) 296-7664.
SDGMC is one of the largest and oldest gay choruses in the world, having entertained audiences for nearly 30 years. Its 150 members embrace a mission of creating a positive musical experience through exciting performances that engage audiences, build community support and provide a dynamic force for social change.
For more information on the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation, please visit its website atwww.mylgbtfoundation.org.
Thank you so much for covering this great partnership! We are so happy to partner with the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus. Keep up the great work and thank you for all you do for our community!