‘The Advocate’s’ annual ‘Day in LGBT America’

For the last two years, thousands of people from every corner of America have sent photos and shared their lives as part of The Advocate’s annual “Day in LGBT America” special report. According to The Advocate the response was terrific, and they plan to put together a big LGBT photo album again for 2013.  From The Advocate:

So get your cameras charged and ready, because we want to see what happens in your lives from dawn to late at night all over America on Monday, November 11, 2013. We want to see every aspect of LGBT life, from the mundane to the insane, from the glamorous to the gritty, whether you’re on an adventure or experiencing a quiet moment of solace.

You don’t need to be a professional photographer. Just mark your calendar, and on November 11 take a self-portrait, or have a friend photograph you or your family or friends doing anything that says something about who you are as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender person in the United States. The best photographs taken on that single day in the United States will be featured in a photo essay titled “A Day in LGBT America” on Advocate.com.

Please think of “A Day in LGBT America” as one way you can help The Advocate dispel what the religious right tries to sell America about LGBT people, and simultaneously your photos will inspire young people with the power of the project’s hopeful message.

When the day comes, please check back at Advocate.com for more details and instructions on how to submit your photos.

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