Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice organization dedicated to creating economic opportunity and promoting social justice have applauded today’s victory for marriage equality in New Jersey.
Alan van Capelle, CEO of Bend the Arc issued the following statement
“Let me begin by first offering my most heartfelt congratulations to all of New Jersey’s gay and lesbian couples who are finally and rightfully able to get married in their home state. American Jews nationwide celebrate as New Jersey becomes the 14th state to recognize the dignity of all its families—a value central to the Jewish teaching of upholding our shared humanity.
“The decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court to protect same-sex couples is a testament to the hard work of those dedicated to the cause of equal rights, and to our democracy’s enduring potential to live up to its highest creed of expanding rights and freedoms to all. At Bend the Arc, we rejoice in this moment with gratitude for how far we have come, and we will use this momentum in the ongoing movement to ensure that all families are valued equally under the law. Mazel Tov!”
As a proud ally in the national movement for LGBT rights, Bend the Arc has brought the Jewish community’s strong moral voice and clear support for marriage equality to bear in California, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey and across the nation.