Todd Gloria put San Diego first


Even the conservative Republican Union-Tribune praised Todd Gloria as a statesman and hailed his decision not to run for mayor as a leader who acted “selflessly,” putting San Diego first before his own political ambitions.

This was not an easy decision for Todd as many San Diego leaders and citizens were urging him to run. Prominent Attorney, Todd Stevens was already getting financial commitments for a campaign and Richard Barrera told City Commissioner Bruce Abrams this past Sunday that Labor was going to be behind Gloria. But Todd Gloria knew that more than ever our city needed a full time interim mayor that in the next six months will focus on issues and problems at City Hall. Not a mayor spending half of his time campaigning for re-election, as it were. The other day when Todd walked into the gym everyone applauded. He is getting this overwhelming positive appreciation wherever he goes. Todd, the son of a maid and a gardener knows what hard work is and thus he knew San Diego needed a full time interim mayor, and his decision should not surprise anyone and we all should be very proud of him. Todd Gloria has a very bright future ahead of him and as former Mayor Jerry Sanders once said the sky is the limit. Todd Gloria has never been a politician, but a public servant and San Diego is indeed fortunate that we’re in his capable hands.

Carl DeMaio

Another man who made the right decision is Carl Demaio who, if elected to Congress, has the chance to quickly become a recognized leader who can help change his party. DeMaio would be the only openly gay Republican among hundreds of congressmembers. His party needs him more than they know and so does our LGBT community and our continuing fight for equality.

The failed homophobic smear rumor against DeMaio failed in many ways. But the silence of almost all of our LGBT leaders to take a stand against this homophobic attack and denounce it was beyond disappointing. Thank God Todd Gloria and Tony Young stood up for DeMaio against the smear campaign. While our LGBT Center leaders stood up and called upon Bob Filner to resign (the only non-profit to do so) The Center’s leadership remain silent over the DeMaio homophobic attack. Shame on them.

Yes, Carl DeMaio and I still do not agree on many issues, but the attack on him was an attack on all of us … period.

Faulconer vs. Fletcher

Hey, I honestly like both of these men. Both are great fathers and true gentlemen; both with proven leadership records and pro LGBT equality. I was very impressed with Kevin Faulconer’s solid Spanish speaking at his mayoral announcement while Nathan Fletcher has already gotten major LGBT leadership endorsements. Now, I just hope this will be as clean and positive election as possible … hmm.

Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for more than 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last six mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. In 2013 Nicole was officially proclaimed the “Mayor of Hillcrest.”

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