Today, City Councilman Kevin Faulconer announced he would be running for mayor.
At news conference on Harbor Island Faulconer said, “Today I announce my candidacy for mayor of San Diego. Together, we will restore integrity to City Hall. Together, we will put an end to the dysfunction and get the city working again for the taxpayers of San Diego. Together, we will heal our city and create a community where every neighborhood is strong, and every San Diegan has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Returning trust to the Mayor’s office is the greatest challenge facing our community, and the only way we can unite behind a vision for San Diego’s future.”
The mayoral race now has two major contenders in Faulconer and former Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, a Democrat. According to 10 News former City Attorney Michael Aguirre has also said he would run. Fifteen lesser-known candidates have also filed an intent to run with others are still considering.