Third Way/HRC poll finds marriage for gay couples can co-exist with religious liberty

Third Way and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), two Washington D.C.-based organizations who were heavily involved in crafting the strategy and messaging behind the recent surge in support for allowing gay couples to marry, have joined forces to tackle the movement’s next debate: overly broad religious exemptions to marriage and non-discrimination laws.  Together with Anzalone…

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‘Summer Break’ at SDMA

For the past few years the San Diego Museum of Art (SDMA) has packed its summer months with a great program called the Summer Salon Series; perhaps you have attended. The approximately 11-week series happened every Friday night and the roster of events scheduled to happen throughout the museum’s galleries all had themes that loosely…

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The Place Beyond the Pines

dvd of the week Despite writer-director Derek Cianfrance’s Herculean efforts at creating country noir and Ryan Gosling’s smolder, the film doesn’t quite work. The main reason is the film’s conceit, that the plot, focusing on three men in upstate New York over a generation, would be completely linear. In the first act, a daredevil motorcyclist…

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