
Michael Pallamary

It is so disappointing when you grant an interview to what you discover is a reporter with an agenda. Voice of San Diego (VOSD) wrote an article about the Mayor Filner recall that was so inaccurate, I won’t even begin to address their political agenda.

It is hard for the politicians and media in San Diego to understand what it is like to have someone who has no hidden agenda. Why? Because so many have one themselves. When VOSD called me the first thing the reporter said was didn’t you work for the Obama campaign?

I immediately understood she was trying to paint me as some Democratic operative. When I said, “You should do your research, I also supported Jerry Sanders in the 2008 election,” she was dumbfounded.

That’s right; I supported a Republican for mayor and a Democrat for president, as did many San Diegans. Since I have become the publisher of San Diego LGBT Weekly, I inform our community about what candidates think about LGBT equality. What I don’t do is try to tell you how to vote; or more importantly, how I will vote.

You will note that this publication has never, and will never, endorse any candidate. Our readers are smart and can make their own informed choices.

There are those like Susan Jester, executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, who have accused me of trying to undermine the recall process. Susan and I are friends who are on opposite sides of the aisle on many LGBT issues. For example, I would never suggest that an LGBT candidate that accepts money from those who have supported anti-LGBT policies should be elected to anything, Susan disagrees. LGBT issues are only one consideration in who Susan supports and it is OK with her to support candidates that take money from people who financed the Yes on Prop. 8 campaign.

Many are calling me a brilliant political strategist who is trying to save Filner. I am not trying to save Filner; I am trying to save our wonderful city. If I was really going to undermine the process, would I call the head of the Log Cabin Republicans to tell her the strategy? Of course not. It’s just silly to think otherwise.

Anyone who believes in the recall can collect signatures, anyone. I had the pleasure of having coffee with Michael Pallamary to discuss strategies around our two recall campaigns. Michael was a gentleman and apologized for judging me prematurely. A lesson can be learned by politicians and activists on both sides of the aisle; having a coffee and conversation with those with perceived different views can be enlightening. Both Michael and I share a common love of the City of San Diego, as well as being politically engaged.

Bob Filner

It has been written that Mayor Filner appointed me to be the chair of the Citizen’s Equal Opportunity Commission (CEOC). That is absolutely true. What has not been reported is that I was appointed to the commission by Mayor Sanders. Further, I was acting chair long before Filner was elected. I guess that information doesn’t fit the narrative that VOSD and others are trying to build.

Nor have they reported that during my tenure on the CEOC that contracting with small, minority, woman-owned and emerging businesses has increased from 4 percent of contracts to 27 percent. By the way, I don’t get paid and volunteer my time to improve America’s Finest City. That’s who I am.

Now that I have started the process for San Diegans to have their voices heard, I will ensure that the citizens are in charge of the recall. That is what the referendum and recall process should be about, nothing else. Over the next few weeks, information will be available about how the recall process will work.

Let the citizenry speak and bring this entire issue to a close. That is truly the democratic way. Then we can get back to making San Diego an even better place.



San Diego LGBT Weekly


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