Queer photographer Jess T. Dugan to lecture at the San Diego Museum of Art: Aug. 1

Jess T. Dugan

Aug. 1, queer photographer Jess T. Dugan will give an artist’s talk at the San Diego Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition Summer Break 2013: Double Portraits, which includes Dugan’s work.

Jess T. Dugan is a gender variant artist whose work explores issues of gender, sexuality, identity, and community. For the past decade, Jess has photographed people within queer and transgender communities, focusing on the complexities of identity, gender, intimacy, and community. Dugan earned a BFA in Photography from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, a Master of Liberal Arts in

Museum Studies from Harvard University, and is currently pursuing an MFA in Photography from Columbia College Chicago. Jess regularly exhibits internationally and has work in several museum collections.

Dallas by Jess T. Dugan

Dugan’s photograph Dallas, from the series Transcendence, a collection of portraits made within the transgender and gender variant community, will be on display at the museum.

Dugan’s lecture will include work from 2005 to the present, including several bodies of work made within with the queer community. jessdugan.com

Jess T. Dugan’s Artist Talk will take place at The San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado in Balboa Park, 7 p.m., 619-232-7931, sdmart.org. Summer Break is the Museum’s new contemporary art festival, featuring 10 continuous days of art, music, lectures, films, readings, workshops, and performances inspired by Arnold Newman: Masterclass. Events take place at the Museum and offsite at Helmuth Projects.


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