
About the San Diego leather community article

Dear Editor,

Thank you for sharing a brief overview of the leather, kink, and fetish community in San Diego (San Diego LGBT Weekly June 20, issue 123). I encourage anyone who wants to know more about who we are to reach out and find us!

I am compelled to expand on a quote that was attributed to me in the leather community article in response to the question: Who are the (Leather) community leaders?

I understand that the article was significantly edited for brevity but the published answer to that question misrepresents the broader discussion with the author and does not accurately reflect my view.

There is a very important distinction between the published quote (which basically says that Mr. and Ms. San Diego Leather are the community leaders) and the truth.

The truth is that there are a number of individuals who are actively working in the community who can be considered “community leaders.” There are also a number of leather people who may not necessarily be actively participating in the public community who I personally identify as “leaders” and who have supported me (and many others) in ways that have literally changed my life.

This distinction is reflective of a personal core value that defines me as a Leather Woman and its importance cannot be overlooked.

Mr. and Ms. San Diego Leather certainly have a very visible and active role in the community, but we strive to carry out our work with a large dose of humility and respect to others, hopeful that they might recognize the carrying forward of some of their own goodness and values reflected through us as we serve as their community representative for the duration of our title year.

Thank you for the opportunity to share this clarification.


Ms. San Diego Leather 2012

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