San Diego citizen Jeff Olson (who is gay) made national news headlines when he was arrested for just writing his protest message against American banks in chalk on the streets. (I call this political art.) Of course, it was arch right-wing (check out his state legislative record) City Attorney Jan Goldsmith who made the decision to prosecute Olson, just like he did in charging equality marriage GLBT demonstrators. In a Union-Tribune poll more than 90 percent of San Diegans thought Jeff Olson should not be prosecuted!
Well, Jeff Olson was found not guilty by a jury of his peers! Once again, Jan Goldsmith is made a fool of. Get yourself a new toupee and attitude, Jan!
A message from Gloria Johnson:
“Perhaps some of you have heard that I recently had a very bad fall and I fractured my pelvis and tailbone and injured my right leg. I am currently unable to walk and I am in a nursing home for several weeks.
“But I want to send Pride greetings to all of you. I am so very disappointed that I cannot be with you for ‘Our Time.’ I love all of you and I’ll be thinking and dreaming of you.”
Bruce Abrams and I stopped by Gloria’s nursing home this week and she asked me to put her message in my column. Gloria Johnson is a true trailblazer and icon in not only our GLBT community but the women’s/feminist community. Just this past January when the mayor gave out our city’s very first San Diego Legends honors, Gloria was the first recipient from our community. Fellow honorees included Padres great, Tony Gwynn, Father Joe, and our City’s first Latino City councilman, Jess Hako, and African American councilman, Leon Williams. Gloria was also inducted into our City’s Women’s Hall of Fame, and is on our GLBT Wall of Honor at The Center.
I know many of you are worried about Gloria and let me say that she is in good spirits and we had a great time talking about how San Diego was in the 1970s and those activists and leaders we knew and were friends with. Do keep Gloria in your thoughts and prayers and think of her especially during our upcoming Pride weekend. Thank you.
Sean Sala and Exodus International
There was an important connection between the shutting down of Exodus International and a well-known young gay veteran leader and activist, Sean Sala.
This so called national “Christian Group” shut down after three decades of claiming they could change homosexuals to heterosexuals.
One of the main reasons Exodus shut down was because of a special news story by reporter, Lisa Ling and the Own TV Network, which aired and also received a clipping on the popular Chris Wallace’s MSNBC show. The segment with ex-Exodus “patient” Sean Sala appeared on both networks and was very riveting. Sean’s honesty and opening up to this awful and harming experience was both very brave and important for our GLBT civil rights movement.
We all owe Sean Sala (who also organized the first active duty military contingent in a Pride parade) our community’s appreciation and support. Bravo Sean!
DeMaio for Congress/GOP primary
Well, now it seems that former City Councilman Carl DeMaio will be facing a challenger in the upcoming primary from a fellow Republican who has never held office. There is no reason for this man to run, as DeMaio has far superior qualifications and already has secured the backing of major Republican and Independent leaders.
We look forward to the 2014 general election campaigns of the former Councilman Scott Peters and DeMaio; I believe that the new Republican candidate’s motives for running against DeMaio are very suspicious. I believe Carl DeMaio would be the best Republican candidate for this 52nd Congressional District. And let me make it clear that Carl and I have not had a conversation for almost two years and, yes, while I supported his City Council race, I did not endorse him for mayor. I do believe he is a new generation of Republican and could help change his party.
The Center’s ‘Rainbow Prom’
For ten years our Center has been holding an annual Rainbow Prom for our GLBT teens and I stopped by this years’ prom at The Center to witness hundreds of proud and happy teens dancing their butts off and having a great time. The GLBT teens and some of their straight friends were between the ages of 14 – 18 years old. Empress Candi Samples “crowned” this years’ 2013 Royal Youth Prom Court, and we all owe our LGBT Community Center and their hard-working staff a big thank you for always being there for our youth.
Nicky Awards Nomination Night, July 8
This years’ night, when you find out just who got nominated for a 2013 Nicky Award (the gay Academy Awards of San Diego) will be this coming Monday night at Martinis Above Fourth at 7 p.m. To find more info: nickyawards.org or call 619-300-1232.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for more than 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last six mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsandiego@aol.com
The toupee reference is immature. This mentality is why many gay professionals distance themselves from the gay community. Respect is earned through responsible behavior.
What you expect from Nichole, try being on the same speaking venue with him.
What is immature is a grown man wearing a hair piece.