President Barack Obama on DOMA:
“I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act. This was discrimination enshrined in law. It treated loving, committed gay and lesbian couples as a separate and lesser class of people. The Supreme Court has righted that wrong, and our country is better off for it. We are a people who declared that we are all created equal – and the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.
This ruling is a victory for couples who have long fought for equal treatment under the law; for children whose parents’ marriages will now be recognized, rightly, as legitimate; for families that, at long last, will get the respect and protection they deserve; and for friends and supporters who have wanted nothing more than to see their loved ones treated fairly and have worked hard to persuade their nation to change for the better.
So we welcome today’s decision, and I’ve directed the Attorney General to work with other members of my Cabinet to review all relevant federal statutes to ensure this decision, including its implications for Federal benefits and obligations, is implemented swiftly and smoothly.
On an issue as sensitive as this, knowing that Americans hold a wide range of views based on deeply held beliefs, maintaining our nation’s commitment to religious freedom is also vital. How religious institutions define and consecrate marriage has always been up to those institutions. Nothing about this decision – which applies only to civil marriages – changes that.
The laws of our land are catching up to the fundamental truth that millions of Americans hold in our hearts: when all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.”
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on DOMA:
“The Department of Defense welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision today on the Defense of Marriage Act. The department will immediately begin the process of implementing the Supreme Court’s decision in consultation with the Department of Justice and other executive branch agencies. The Department of Defense intends to make the same benefits available to all military spouses — regardless of sexual orientation — as soon as possible. That is now the law and it is the right thing to do.
Every person who serves our nation in uniform stepped forward with courage and commitment. All that matters is their patriotism, their willingness to serve their country, and their qualifications to do so. Today’s ruling helps ensure that all men and women who serve this country can be treated fairly and equally, with the full dignity and respect they so richly deserve.”
Attorney General Eric Holder on DOMA:
“Today’s historic decision in the case of United States v. Windsor, declaring Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, is an enormous triumph for equal protection under the law for all Americans. The Court’s ruling gives real meaning to the Constitution’s promise of equal protection to all members of our society, regardless of sexual orientation. This decision impacts a broad array of federal laws. At the President’s direction, the Department of Justice will work expeditiously with other Executive Branch agencies to implement the Court’s decision. Despite this momentous victory, our nation’s journey – towards equality, opportunity, and justice for everyone in this country – is far from over. Important, life-changing work remains before us. And, as we move forward in a manner consistent with the Court’s ruling, the Department of Justice is committed to continuing this work, and using every tool and legal authority available to us to combat discrimination and to safeguard the rights of all Americans.”
HRC President Chad Griffin:
“Today’s historic decisions put two giant cracks in the dark wall of discrimination that separates committed gay and lesbian couples from full equality. While we celebrate the victory for Californians today, tomorrow we turn our attention to the millions of LGBT people who don’t feel the reach of these decisions. From the Rocky Mountains to the heart of the South, it’s time to push equality forward until every American can marry the person they love and all LGBT people are guaranteed equal protection under the law.”
John O’Connor, Equality California executive director:
“We have said from the beginning that the proponents of Prop. 8 couldn’t demonstrate a single way they would be harmed by loving same-sex couples marrying in California. Marriage will be restored imminently and we look forward to decisive leadership from our elected officials in reinstating marriage for all people in every community across the state. Today is a day for celebration.”
Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego):
“These rulings are an affirmation of marriage, love and commitment of two loving people for the good of society. It is also an affirmation of the spirit of equality that is laid out in our constitution.
Today the court moved us into the 21st Century where future generations can be proud of who they are.”
San Diego City Council President Todd Gloria:
“Today is an especially proud day to be an American. When civil rights are secured for more people, our country is stronger. I am grateful to every person who loved and lived proudly and who worked hard and sacrificed to make this justice a reality.
I will be asking the City Council’s Rules Committee to examine all of the City’s policies to make sure they are consistent with post-DOMA federal regulations and that our employees are afforded proper benefits.”
Dr. Delores A. Jacobs, chief executive officer of The San Diego LGBT Center:
“These are truly civil rights decisions for the history books. This is nothing short of monumental.
The ruling on DOMA will mean greater security for so many families across the country, but in particular for our military families,” Jacobs said. “Those brave women and men who fight for the freedom of others will finally receive a measure of the freedom and equality they so richly deserve.
For Californians, the decision on Proposition 8 will close the door on an ugly chapter in our state’s history, where for the first – and hopefully only — time we allowed our state Constitution to be cheapened and soiled by writing into it discrimination against a particular group of Californians. Those dark days are over, and we can’t wait to see marriage equality restored here. We extend our deepest thanks to all those who have worked so hard on these issues and who have shown our entire nation what true love and commitment looks like.”
Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco):
“Today’s decisions are defining moments for our country, landmark affirmations of basic civil rights by our nation’s highest court and long sought victories for thousands of couples who wish to honor their commitment to one another through the institution of marriage.
By striking down DOMA and ending the exclusion of California’s same-sex couples and their families from marriage, the Court’s decisions further fulfill the great promise of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence that all men and women are created equal and as such must be treated equally under the law.
This day could not have arrived without the courageous efforts of civil rights pioneers who bravely fought for legal recognition of our rights and humanity. Today we pay tribute to them, knowing they have helped pave the way for millions of LGBT people to live happier and more fulfilled lives, which will only benefit their families and the rest of society.
Today is also an affirmation of the power of coming out, telling our stories and putting love and authenticity foremost in our lives. With legal doctrine, legislative victories and public opinion increasingly on our side, LGBT Americans can finally envision a day where future generations will look back and wonder how this outcome could have ever been in doubt and why it took so long to happen.
While today’s victories are monumental, we still have much more work to do in order to achieve full equality across the United States and globe. Our struggle will continue until every man and woman can proudly marry the person he or she loves and have that right fully respected under the law.”
California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego):
“Equality has rarely been achieved easily, but it’s a value Americans know is worth fighting for. I am elated to know that same-sex couples now have the opportunity to marry and look forward to celebrating with friends who are no longer legally barred from pursuing their own happiness, regardless of who they love. Today is a great day to celebrate a renewed commitment to equal treatment and respect of one another, but I pledge to defend equal rights for all people as the injustice created by inequality still persists in many corners of our society.”
Earl Plante, CEO of San Francisco Pride
“SF Pride is absolutely elated at the Supreme Court’s just and timely decisions. By rightly restoring the constitutional rights to civil marriage for same sex couples in California, this long awaited ruling sends a clear message to all Americans that equal protection under the law has once again triumphed over discrimination. San Francisco Pride proudly welcomes the million plus visitors from around the nation and world to San Francisco for what promises to be an epic celebration of these tremendous victories for LGBT equality.”