SAN DIEGO — LGBTQ organizations are calling for a mass rally at 5 p.m. under the Hillcrest Pride Flag at the intersection of Normal Street and University Avenue Wednesday June 26 – the day the Supreme Court issues its ruling on the legality of California’s Prop. 8 and the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
Join organizers at the Pride Flag for the rally with speakers and a march on the day when these decisions are announced.
According to Sean Bohac, one of the organizers of the event, anticipated speakers include:
• Alfie DoodyPoo Padilla, organizer with Canvass for a Cause and transgender activist
• Unity Fellowship Church pastor Rev. Gerald Greene
• Christina Griffin, organizer for the San Diego Branch of the NAACP and United Domestic Workers of America
• Cathy Carmack, queer historian and Canvass for a Cause organizer
• Karen Guzman, organizer with the San Diego DREAM Team
• Jeanne Burke, Buddhist chaplain, author, LGBT advocate
• Richard Barrera, leader of San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council and San Diego Unified School Board member
• Eric Alan Isaacson attorney representing the Unitarian Universalist Association with active role in State and Federal legal battles over California marriage equality
•Cecile Estelle Veillard, co-founder of SAME Alliance and organizer with the International Socialist Organization
• State Assembly Majority Leader Toni Atkins has been invited and will attend if her legislative schedule allows
As well as the San Diego Women’s Chorus
“Who would be so audacious as to bring a marriage equality case before the Supreme Court? – No one would, or did until a mass movement of the people demonstrated the importance of it. Starting in 2009 marriage equality ballot measures, bold civil disobedience and a clear demand for justice made this case possible,” said Sean Bohac, member of SAME Alliance. “That’s why we are calling for this community event where we can celebrate our victories or unite to overcome any losses, and prepare for what’s coming next.”
Following the rally there will be an event at The San Diego LGBT Center at 7 p.m. All are welcome.