SAN DIEGO – UPDATE — Further to Dwayne Crenshaw’s endorsements announced earlier in this news report San Diego LGBT Weekly reached out to his opponent Myrtle Cole for comment. In an email response Cole stated,
“I am extremely proud of the endorsements my campaign has received from thousands of voters in every corner of the District – so many that I finished first out of 9 in the primary and beat the second place finisher by 2-to-1.
“In addition, I am very proud to be supported by Mayor Bob Filner, Assembly Majority Leader Toni Atkins, City Council President Todd Gloria, former State Senator Chris Kehoe as well as community leaders like Ray Smith who ran in the primary for this seat.
“As a former police lieutenant and somebody who has worked in the community for more than 20 years, I look forward to the campaign and for the opportunity to serve.”

UPDATE — Responding to San Diego LGBT Weekly’s request for comment Assembly Majority Leader Toni Atkins stated in an email, “I strongly support Myrtle Cole. She is the best and most qualified candidate.”
Earlier in the day San Diego LGBT Weekly had reported that ahead of the City Council 4th District runoff election, Dwayne Crenshaw has received the endorsements of primary election candidates Blanca Lopez-Brown, Barry Pollard, Sandy Spackman, Tony Villafranca and Bruce Williams. Between them, these candidates and Crenshaw garnered 7,434 votes which represent roughly 56 percent of the votes cast during the primary election.
“I am excited to have received the endorsements of these important community leaders,” said Crenshaw. “During the primary, I

was impressed by their shared passion for the neighborhoods of District 4 and common commitment to creating good jobs, quality schools and safe streets. Like me, Blanca, Barry, Sandy, Tony and Bruce have all lived in the 4th District for more than 30 years and have a real record of working in the community. I look forward to working with each of them.”
Dwayne Crenshaw was born and raised in the 4th District and is a current resident of the O’Farrell/South Encanto neighborhood. He earned his law degree from California Western School of Law and his BA degree from San Diego State University.
This doesn’t seem bias at all?
The story is that most of the Crenshaw’s primary opponents are lining up behind him but you clowns open with three paragraphs of Cole?
Clearly whoever is in charge at LGBT Weekly isn’t a journalist.
To M. Suarez: Huh? The title of the story seems pretty clear that it’s about Cole’s reaction to Crenshaw’s endorsements. I’m missing the bias there, although I do hope that LGBT Weekly gives a big shout out to Cole. She rocks!!!!
No the initial story was titled: “Crenshaw picks up endorsements from primary opponents” and the first paragraph read:
“San Diego — Ahead of the City Council 4th District runoff election, Dwayne Crenshaw has received the endorsements of primary election candidates Blanca Lopez-Brown, Barry Pollard, Sandy Spackman…”
If you would have shared that story before the “update” that was the first paragraph and that preview still shows up on my facebook when I share it.
Now that story has been changed under the guise of an update that completely shifts the story to clearly be biased in favor of Myrtle Cole. It is misleading and unethical, updates like that should be added to the bottom of the story in the form of an update note not the lede. The person who wrote this story either has no background in journalism or they are clearly biased and unethical.
That update has nothing to do with the initial story and so it should not be in the leading paragraph it should be added on in a subsequent paragraph or an update note.
I live in District 4 and there is no way in hell I’d support Dwayne Crenshaw for city council. I’m a gay male and am tired of everyone telling me that just because I’m gay I have to support him. I don’t vote based on sexual orientation, color, or any other defining characteristic, instead I voted on one’s qualifications and skillsets.
Myrtle Cole is clearly the person who is better qualified and has the skills to be an effective city council representative. It’s the reason the major political leaders are backing her (not the no nothing’s like Tony Villafranca, Pollard, etc).
Also, I’m tired of corruption in politics. When Dwayne was treasurer of the Democratic Club money disappeared. A similar situation happened at another organization he was a member of. This is widely known to the members of those organizations.
This black gay male is voting for Myrtle Cole.
I am pretty sure Chris is lying which is both cowardly and libelous.
i have no reason to lie M. Suarez. During the Democrats for Equality meeting (formerly known as SD Democratic Club) this issue was raised by many. Congressman Scott Peters came back from DC and Toni Atkins from Sacramento to make everyone aware as well of their request that the body NOT endorse Dwayne.
I am not sure who “Chris” and “M. Suarez” are but I really wish people would just come out and say who they are rather than take shots under the cover of anonymity.
Regardless, I reported on the Democrats for Equality endorsement meeting and I recorded the entire meeting and can say the following:
1. At no time did either Assemblymember Toni Atkins or Congressman Scott Peters advocate against endorsing Dwayne Crenshaw rather they advocated for Myrtle Cole. To say anything that implies that they mentioned Crenshaw negatively is very misleading. Also the only one who did vocally lend their support to a candidate was Toni Atkins not Scott Peters so “Chris” is either mistaken or knowingly bearing false witness.
2. The man who was President of the San Diego Democratic Club while Dwayne Crenshaw was treasurer, Stephen Whitburn, spoke in favor of Dwayne Crenshaw. So I find it hard to believe that the president at the time of alleged impropriety would support Crenshaw if he thought that he had stolen from the club. Further there is no evidence that this has occured and seems more like gossip and rumors. Only one person brought this up, a woman,
That is why I really wish “Chris” and “M. Suarez” would identify themselves because while one accuses the paper of being bias, btw LGBT Weekly as far as I know has not endorsed in this race, and the second accuses a man of thievery without evidence. Both of those accusations are unfair and have no evidence to back them up. It is that type of discourse that sullies American politics. Libel is not political discourse.
For coverage on that evening feel free to read our story on it: http://lgbtweekly.jeffjungblut.com/2013/02/01/democrats-for-equality-back-hueso-for-senate-crenshaw-cole-trade-jabs-receive-acceptable-rating-in-district-4-race/
Oh the last statement I didn’t finish is supposed to say: “Only one person brought this up, a woman who’s name I did not catch and it was not a major conversation topic as the forum continued and discussed other issues.”