Nicole, thank you for your wonderful kind words
Dear Editor,
How simply wonderful to read Nicole’s precise words on the raping of Aunties in November of last year, (LGBT Weekly issue 106 Nov. 29, 2012) and your recent follow up (LGBT Weekly issue 116 March 28). I was more than the bookkeeper. I was the general manager and the bookkeeper.
I spent 11 months busting my ass to renovate and rejuvenate Aunties. (Along with a devoted team of volunteers, and professional help.) It was so badly in need of someone who cared. I am the least disgruntled ex-employee, because I loved the job with all my heart. The good works of the astounding volunteers and the historical founders that truly cared for this community must never be overlooked. Some of the facts they missed out in the Union Tribune include missing cash from the register (somewhere around $2,400 documented) from Jan to Aug of 2012 was what we determined from an analysis of all bank deposits and daily cash receipts. (God only knows what’s gone since they ridded themselves of the only watchdog they ever mistakenly hired.) Petty cash was also routinely missing. Executive Director Michael Dudley is solely responsible for handling the weekly cash drop.
The full amount approved on his dental work was $25,000 which was a quarter of the amount of net worth at the time of Aunties.
They do not have $158k left (that’s from 2010 or 2011); when I left they were down to about $65,000 (end of Sept. 2012). However that will soon be boosted as a major donation from the estate of Roger Moser will bring Aunties about $250,000 this year.
I was so blown away by the extravagance, and arrogance of the spending. The board which consisted of two close wealthy friends of his, Terry Abrams and Miguel Yi, (they finally added another board member quickly after I was fired) and of course Executive Director Michael Dudley would often eat out at Aunties expense. One time they were at Red Lobster for $130 and I thought to myself I can feed seven hungry volunteers five times with that money. Who the hell do they think they are?
Nonprofits belong to the people. All profits from them by definition should go back into the organization. Perhaps the pain of not being respectful to the community with the irresponsibility of these losses is the biggest immoral loss for Aunties.
I would often look at the picture of Gary Cheatham and ask him to guide me to do the right thing. I know now that I have done just that. It seems sad in today’s world standing up often costs the individual great loss and the realization that criminal activity is simply allowed and swept away till people forget.
They also purchased Mike a personal iPad for around $500 and glasses for $500. Having worked in the corporate for-profit world, even with paid-for vision insurance, an employee ends up spending a couple of hundred of their own money for a decent pair of glasses.
The community must stand up and find decent people who will not use for their own gain. I am still looking for a job where they care about the honesty and devotion of the employees! Interesting that I have heard that their tale of my demise includes that I was involved in illicit works there. Funny because I was actually trying to see money go back into the business as opposed to watching it so wrongly used. 12-14 percent increase in sales from the previous year per their hired accountant.
Much love and respect to you Nicole. Your words have honored me, and what I believe in.
May the time come soon for progress in the fight for community conscience.
Thanks again.
San Diego