Neighborhood life cycles: the only constant is change

I am always interested in the differences between the various San Diego neighborhoods and where they are positioned in the ever-changing phases of the neighborhood life cycle. From brand new communities with freshly planted boulevards to communities that display signs of neglect and urban blight, every neighborhood is represented in the cycle of change.

A neighborhood life cycle includes four basic phases: growth, maturity, decline and revitalization. A neighborhood can be defined as a geographically localized community within a larger city and is often a social community with considerable face-to-face interaction among its members.

The growth of a neighborhood typically begins with the construction of residential dwellings along with a wide range of conveniently located support facilities.

A new neighborhood offers exciting possibilities for a homeowner: moving into a new home, interesting neighbors, newer shopping centers, restaurants and schools. As a neighborhood develops and grows, prices of residential properties typically follow suit. This phase typically ends when there is no longer any vacant land available to develop.

The maturity phase occurs when the neighborhood reaches the point of stability and begins to face competition from similar or newer neighborhoods. The pace of this phase is not always consistent and can vary based on saturation levels and market acceptance. Kensington and Mission Hills are prime examples of mature neighborhoods.

When neighborhoods begin the descent into decline, property values may begin to fall, as does the appeal and overall marketability for both residential and commercial use properties. The physical aging and deterioration of the structures as well as the aging of the population often contribute to the overall decline. Outdated architectural styles also contribute to make these neighborhoods less attractive.

Other changes include the intrusion of a business or industrial area into the neighborhood, or a change in zoning that allows multi-family use properties to be built or converted. Typically, fewer owner-occupied homes in a residential neighborhood can result in neglect and a lack in pride of ownership.

Now a critical point is reached. The neighborhood begins the process of either revitalization, or it dies as properties are literally vacated and begin decaying. If an older neighborhood is located near favored schools, transportation corridors, downtown, entertainment, cultural or employment centers, it has a stronger potential for revitalization. What may have once been a neighborhood in decline becomes a desirable and sought after community that may increase in popularity as economic and social conditions change.

The communities of North Park and Golden Hill are good examples of the renaissance of a previously declining neighborhood.

Be aware of the neighborhood trends within the communities that you are considering. Talk with friends who live in an area you are contemplating, or perhaps take a driving tour of the community in order to ensure that your expectations of the neighborhood will be met.

Finally, being aware of the shifting trends within a community that could adversely impact the neighborhood and may affect the value and long term marketability of your property is always a wise decision.

Ron Monigold is a certified Real Estate Appraiser and a Licensed Real Estate agent. He is a member of the National, California, and San Diego Association of Realtors. You can reach Ron at The Metropolitan Group at 619-990-4631 or at DRE Licence # 01865841.

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