San Diego LGBT Pride announced this week that Executive Director Dwayne Crenshaw will take a leave of absence effective Jan. 31, to pursue his candidacy full-time for San Diego City Council in District 4.
The organization has brought on Stephen Whitburn as interim general manager. Whitburn has a professional background in management and public affairs, and he has served on the board of directors of several local LGBT and civic organizations.
“Stephen Whitburn has the confidence of our community,” said Crenshaw. “I embark on my leave of absence knowing that the leadership of Pride is in excellent hands.”
Whitburn said the organization is in good shape.
“Pride had a strong year in 2012 thanks to Dwayne Crenshaw’s leadership and the many contributions of volunteers, staff, and board members,” Whitburn said. “There are a lot of dedicated and capable people behind Pride’s success, and my goal is to provide them with the resources they need to serve our community well again in 2013.”