Well, on New Year’s Eve Big Mike and I went over to popular businessman Wayne Becks’ home for his fabulous party benefitting Stepping Stone. It was fun and everyone had a great time.
GLBT community has big hearts
For more than 45 years I have witnessed the love, compassion and concern of our GLBT community and its allies and families.
Especially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, because so many of you hundreds of children receive toys; dozens of families were fed and given grocery vouchers; and blankets and warm clothing is still being collected for the homeless and many living below the poverty level.
Trust me, it’s not just the Imperial Court and The LGBT Center that organizes many of these projects, it’s also other organizations and businesses.
But all the credit goes to you, the community, who never lets us down and makes sure every year that those less fortunate, many who have lost their jobs and even their homes, are reached out to and helped. God bless you all for your compassion and generosity.
“Team First Lady”
As I’ve written before, keep your eyes on San Diego’s new first lady, the wonderful Bronwyn Ingram, who started helping with our homeless problems within days of Mayor Filner’s election.
She also made a wreath for Martini’s annual holiday auction for the Eddie Conlon Youth Fund and attended the benefit.

She has met with San Diego icon, Rachel Ortiz who gave her a tour of Barrio Station which is a community center that attracts almost 300 youth a day, from 6-18 years, as well as helping families in need.
She is not meeting with the normal “society ladies” and wealthy, but those running social service agencies for the poor, veterans, homeless and youth.
She is not issuing press releases or asking for news coverage. Our new first lady Bronwyn Ingram is doing all of this quietly and without fanfare.
You will not see our first lady in high-end label outfits, that’s not her style. She will soon launch her all-volunteer supporters of her social issue causes: Team First Lady who you may soon see in your neighborhood helping those who paint over graffiti on buildings, volunteering at local senior homes or youth centers, visiting veterans in hospitals and much more.
Yes, Bob Filner is indeed the “people’s mayor,” but finally San Diego will have a true first lady who will spend the next four years rolling up her sleeves and extending her hand and position to help those in need. All without a staff and without her being on the City payroll. She will do these noble deeds from her heart and the hearts of her “Team First Lady.”
Yes indeed, this last election will be bringing major change to our city and its first family.
Dear “Sister” Nora Torious 13
First of all, I deeply appreciate any group or person who tries to help our community. Secondly, I did not “attack” you; I just asked how you could continue to raise money for Auntie Helen’s after this organization is under investigation for its misuse of community-raised funds, donations and government grants.
In the spirit of the New Year, I do not want to engage in a slanging match across these pages, as I’m sure you don’t. As the saying goes, it will all come out in the wash.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsandiego@aol.com