Show your bartender some love this holiday season

As we approach the holidays, you will probably see more of your favorite bartender or bartenders. It is interesting the relationship you develop with a bartender that rarely extends beyond your favorite watering hole.

Your barkeep knows a lot about you. They have seen you cry in your beer, pick-up a potential date and even sometimes break-up with your husband. Yet, most times you never socialize outside of the bartender’s work environment.

Good bartenders learn your name, are genuinely happy to see you when you go out for a drink and always give you a nice pour. You develop jokes about your other friends in the bar and you also have personal jokes about one another.

I have three bartenders that I know well in San Diego; two work at the bar across the street from my office, SRO. The other one works at Urban Mo’s.

Ernesto and Brian at SRO are friendly, funny and cute with great personalities. They also have a great relationship with their regular customers. They know their customer’s drinks, habits, as well as their personal lives.

Bartenders are really armchair psychologists, if they are good at what they do.

A good bartender is really hard to find.

Another one is Jason at Urban Mo’s. Loquacious, attractive and fun. What more could you ask for? Always with a smile and a happy greeting when I walk through the door, often for a business meeting. When I stay late, he always has fun banter. He is one of the major reasons I like Urban Mo’s.

Your bartender often gives us their holiday to ensure you have a great time. Whether it’s the Fourth of July, LGBT Pride, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s, your barkeep is out there for you. Sure they are big money-making days for them but it is a big sacrifice to make your holiday great.

Many of us give special tips to our postman, hairdresser or dry cleaner. Somehow our favorite bartender gets left out of the mix and that is a shame.

I think all of us should show some appreciation for our friends behind the bar this holiday season.

Give your favorite bartenders a gift card or a nice card with a big tip. Think of all the great things your bartender has done for you in the last year when you were out to have fun.

Remember those free drinks? Or when you left your credit card and he protected it for you? Something a best friend would do.

So have a happy holiday and enjoy a drink with your favorite bartender.

What a great way to end the year.

Stampp Corbin


San Diego LGBT Weekly

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