Bob Filner, the people’s mayor

Bronwyn Ingram and Bob Filner

Our new mayor made history visiting five high schools after his inauguration and stopping by five different neighborhoods to celebrate with the people.

His last stop, at 11 p.m., was at Martinis Above Fourth for the annual Christmas Wreath Auction which raised nearly $20,000 for the Eddie Conlon Youth Fund (5-18 years). First lady, Bronwyn Ingram, was by his side the entire time.

The inauguration ceremony was overflowing and Mayor Filner gave an outstanding speech and received two standing ovations and many “Viva Filners.”

City Attorney Jan Goldsmith gave the most long-winded and boring speech of the day. Big ovations for Donna Frye, Sherri Lightner, Marti Emerald and Chris Kehoe.

I sat with City Commissioner Bruce Abrams and Laura Finks, a long-time advisor to our new mayor who said that this is the happiest she has ever seen Bob Filner … and, indeed, Bob is at peace, happy and ready to lead us all.

It was good to see and talk with District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, Nathan Fletcher and Police Chief Bill Lansdowne among others.

Later that evening I was honored to be the chair of the District 3 Neighborhoods Mayoral Celebration Committee. A big thank you to everyone, especially Nancy Chase, Ed Clancy, Ben Nicholls, Jamie Fox, Allan Spyere, Alma Rosa Vasic, Sherman Mendoza, Cindy Lehman, Dr. Delores Jacobs and The Center staff, Stampp Corbin, Linda Perine, Dale Kelly Bankhead, Bruce Abrams, Jess Durfee, Doug Case, Stephen Whitburn, Vince Hall, Toni Atkins, Dwayne Crenshaw, Tom Dickerson, Caroline Ramos and so many more (all the great restaurants). You people did it all. It was my deep honor to be one of the five chairs of the five neighborhood celebrations. What a birthday present for me that you all made the events the success they were.

Indeed, Bob Filner has now become “the people’s mayor.” God bless him and Bronwyn and their staff as they begin this new journey.

President Todd Gloria

Former Mayor Jerry Sanders once told a crowd that Todd Gloria was a future U.S. senator or president. Well, indeed, history was made as our Councilmember Todd Gloria returned to City Hall (not the White House yet) to be unanimously elected the first openly gay president of the San Diego City Council.

Todd, the son of a hardworking and loving mother and father who were a maid and gardener will most certainly give voice and attention to many in our city and neighborhoods that have been ignored.

He gave one of the best speeches at the mayor’s inauguration ceremony and was the only councilmember to receive a standing ovation.

Todd Gloria has, indeed, become one of the most popular and loved councilmembers in the entire city and there is already talk of him being a future mayor or congressman.

Even the Union-Tribune stated that, “Gloria, 34, is a rising star in the Democratic Party and often the most eloquent public speaker on the Council.”

Todd is like a “son” to me and I’ll never forget how at the time he thought it wasn’t time for him to run because some in our community thought he was too young and wanted other older candidates.

I had a long lunch with him and urged him to run and said that he would win because once people met him and knew his core family values, young, yes, but how super smart he was and how for years a true public servant he had been, they would vote for him.

Even some gay elected officials tried to talk me into getting him out of his first race. Well Todd, you did it on your own merits and proved a lot of people wrong and now you have on your own (along with a dedicated staff: the Todd Squad!) become one of our city’s most respected leaders.

Our community, your city is so proud of you and I know you will not let us down. Congratulations Mr. President!

Ron Roberts to run for re-election

Last week, I had lunch with the chairman of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors Ron Roberts and his hardworking chief of staff, Sal Giametta, who used to work for former mayor, Maureen O’Connor.

Ron will indeed be running for re-election and this will be his last because of term limits.

He is already getting major Democratic, Republican and Independent endorsements in this non-partisan office.

Ron Roberts has been a friend and strong supporter of the LGBT community since his Council days. He was the deciding vote on a major gay civil rights bill and has endorsed and supported Chris Kehoe and Toni Atkins. In fact, at a major event gay political pioneer Bill Beck presented him with an “Honorary Gay Citizen” certificate which Ron’s wife and family had a good time with.

While some are talking about running against Ron Roberts, don’t ever underestimate this dedicated public servant – he is ready for any challenger.

About Carl DeMaio

Many of you have criticized me or asked me why I called Carl a “brilliant man who still had a political future ahead of him” and felt he should take the chair of the Republican state Party. Many of you have said I should say a lot of negative things about Carl in my column and in my recent KPBS TV and radio interviews.

Some of you want him to move out of town and stay out of our community and I say to you all, bullshit!

The election is over, it got ugly and nasty on both sides and I was angry with Carl over his Arizona immigration “no vote,” that he said he would not lead on “social issues” like Mayor Sanders did and he received support from homophobes and Tea Party people – and some other personal issues that I will not go into.

I feel DeMaio made such major mistakes and blew a good chance to become mayor, but it’s over. Now he has learned a lot and his speech at Monday’s inauguration ceremony was one of his best.

He talked about a 17-year-old gay student who wrote to him and thanked his life-committed partner Johnathan Hale – who is doing a good job as vice president of the Hillcrest Business Association.

I know some of you feel he has still been cold to you or ignored you but time heals all wounds and so give him a chance and time to digest this past year.

Even Mayor Bob Filner thanked him for his public service to our city and being a “reformer.”

DeMaio received a solid positive response from those at Monday’s inauguration. So let’s all move on. Life is too short and I for one believe that when a campaign/election is over, it’s done. Now let’s all try to work together for a better San Diego and community. Thank you.

Lunch with first lady Ingram

and Mindy Fletcher

During Mayor Bob Filner’s inauguration address he told San Diego that they had “elected a team,” that our new first lady would take an active and visible role on social service, charities and the homeless (unpaid).

Last Sunday I had lunch with our new first lady, Bronwyn Ingram and Mindy Fletcher, the brainy and beautiful wife of former state Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher. During the campaign just like Bob and Nathan became friends so did Bronwyn and Mindy.

We discussed Bronwyn’s passion for the homeless issue, military families, wounded soldiers, etc. Mrs. Fletcher gave her a world of sound advice and her experience being in the public spotlight.

While I wouldn’t go into full details on all of our discussions, I can tell you all that we will see the most visible and hardworking first lady of San Diego ever in our city.

Trust me, keep your eyes on Bronwyn and I believe all San Diegans will grow to love her as I have. And thank you, Mindy, for all your great advice and support for our new first lady.

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