Councilmember Todd Gloria was elected president of the San Diego City Council today with the unanimous support of his colleagues. The Council president presides over City Council meetings, sets the Council’s docket, and recommends membership for Council Committees and representation for external organizations.
“I am incredibly honored to have the support of my colleagues today. It is an honor to know that these eight people – who are leaders, who love their communities, and who love San Diego – are trusting me to be the Council president,” said Gloria following the vote.
Council President Gloria immediately acknowledged his predecessor, Tony Young, who held the position for the last two years.
“I have big shoes to fill. Mr. Young elevated the role of Council president greatly, and the entire City has benefited,” said Gloria.
Council President Gloria spoke briefly about his goals and stated his vision to further strengthen the City Council as a legislative body; use his experience as the Budget and Finance Committee Chair to guide the Council in making fiscally responsible decisions; and work productively with Mayor Filner and the two new councilmembers to ensure a smooth transition and ensure the needs of all San Diegans are met.
He was nominated by Councilmember Kevin Faulconer. Several members of the public spoke at the hearing in support of Gloria for the position.