In an email exchange between San Diego Democrats for Equality and Hale Media Oct. 10, Hale Media indicated it would not accept any political ads that support mayoral candidate Bob Filner.
The local political organization wanted to place a leaderboard advertisement on San Diego Gay and Lesbian News (SDGLN), a Hale Media Web site. The ad would have listed the club’s political endorsements of all the candidates and propositions in the upcoming election. Filner is one of those.
An email from Hale Media stated, “SDGLN has made a business decision to not accept advertisements for Bob Filner’s mayoral campaign or its supporters, due to the fact that Mr. Filner has falsely accused our company, its employees and our Publisher Johnathan Hale of committing a crime this summer. It is unfortunate that he has yet to offer any apology for making false accusations. Should he decide to do the right thing, we would be happy to work with him or his supporters on placing advertisements with our publication.”
Following SDGLN’s refusal, Doug Case, president of the San Diego Democrats for Equality issued the following statement, “SDGLN has decided not to accept advertising from Bob Filner as a result of a dispute with the candidate. As a business owner, that’s the publisher’s prerogative. What is disturbing, however, is that SDGLN has also refused to accept an endorsement ad from San Diego Democrats for Equality merely because Filner is one of 18 candidates mentioned on our slate – along with our positions on 15 propositions on the ballot for the Nov. 6 election.”
Case continued, “The club has a long history of thoroughly evaluating candidates and propositions, and many members and allies of the LGBT community look to us for guidance as they mark their own ballots. It is unprecedented for a local media outlet serving the LGBT community to reject an endorsement ad from a respected community organization. SDGLN’s decision is a disservice to the community.”
San Diego LGBT Weekly accepts ads from any and every political party. “Our policy is that we will accept political ads as long as they are truthful,” said publisher Stampp Corbin. “LGBT Weekly uses the same standards imposed on the broadcast media with one exception; we try to avoid political ads that intentionally try to misinform our readers.”
I would describe the the mayoral race as having a terribly disturbing demeanor unbecoming of America’s greatest city. There are things about both candidates that I find unattractive, but the issue here is not who any of us find the most likable nor is it who we find the most likely to lead San Diego forward. It is the right and duty of Hale Media to defend itself voraciously, but in doing so, freedom of the press cannot and should not ever compromise its primary sacred mission and task to inform the public. When any publication or media refuses the community it serves the right to be aware of all sides of all issues by printing or broadcasting only what it finds agreeable to its views, it does not serve the public’s interests. I would urge Hale Media to reconsider its position and restrict its defense to the editorial sections of its media coverage.
I hope Jonathan’s abortion of a tabloid crashes and burns right after Carl is resoundingly defeated at the polls. Maybe they will go to Iowa and try again.