On paper, in photos and in person, Solana Beach Deputy Mayor Dave Roberts comes across as if he could have been sent straight from Central Casting to fill the part of ”perfect contemporary political candidate.” The candidate for 3rd District county supervisor hopes to succeed Pam Slater, who is stepping down after more than 20 years on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.
He’s good-looking, young (but has just enough gray hair to counterbalance that fresh-faced youthfulness). He’s a father and he’s married. True, Roberts is married to a man, but in an age when multiple Emmy-winner Modern Family is even Ann Romney’s favorite show on television; that’s probably a net-positive.
From the beginning, Roberts was laser-focused on achievement. He was an Eagle Scout at an early age, and he ultimately attained scouting’s prestigious Order of the Arrow designation.
At a very young age, Roberts held a high-profile civilian job with the Dept. of Defense.
“I worked on Capitol Hill in the House Appropriations Committee, defense subcommittee,” he said. “I was hired out of the Department of Defense, where I was deputy chief of budget operations support for Europe.”
Roberts was later appointed by the Bush and the Obama Administrations to national advisory leadership roles focused on maximizing the cost-effectiveness and delivery of Medicare, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs. His campaign bio points out that he worked for the U.S. Air Force in the Pentagon and Europe; and helped to create the military’s current healthcare system.
Roberts career and life in general is a linear trajectory of upward mobility – steady, logically unfolding. That’s largely by design, but not completely a result of deliberate planning. Accenting the gathering of achievements, promotions and innumerable accolades along the way, have been profound experiences of unexpected, even unlikely, revolutions in his personal life and his perspective on living.

“When I came back from West Germany, it was three months before the Berlin Wall came down,” Roberts told San Diego LGBT Weekly. “Then I went back a few weeks after the wall came down to receive an award. The feeling was indescribable. There was the enthusiasm level; it was night and day going back. There was a feeling that real and serious change was happening. That was one of those experiences that changed the way you see things.”
Roberts is to this day sincerely moved by the experience of seeing an entire country set free. He hasn’t been back to Germany since 1989, but would like to visit there again and see how that enthusiasm has evolved during the past two decades.
Another revolution in the chronicle of Roberts’ journey through the highest levels of government happened in the early 1980s, when as a young aide to a liberal Republican (they used to exist) who was chair of the House Subcommittee on the Handicap, as it was then called. Roberts told Rep. Lowell Weicker that there were at least six steps that would not be traversable to his wheelchair-bound constituents.
“I was the first person to point that out to the congressman,” Roberts said. Out of that conversation, came important laws that can be viewed as the forbears of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act.
“From that I learned that by being in the right place at the right time with the right perspective and something to add to the conversations, you can actually make meaningful change.”
One more revolution in Roberts life was the way he and his husband Wally Oliver came to be fathers to five adopted children.
The couple didn’t necessarily plan adopt so many kids. But in the course of serving as an alternate board member of the San Diego County Polinsky Children’s Center, which houses and cares for abused and neglected children, their family came together, grew and continues to grow. More than once, administrators at Polinsky have turned to Roberts asking him and his husband to be foster parents for children. More than once the agreed. Two of the couple’s children have the same mother. One was just a baby when they brought her home. Now, with four boys and one girl, ranging in ages from three to almost 17, there may be a sixth child on the way; another infant in fact.
“Fortunately, Wally is able to be a stay-at-home dad,” Roberts said.
As part of his parental duties, Roberts takes care of some of the kids’ activities, such as scouting. On that topic, Roberts and Oliver have decided to not to let their political issues, such as their disagreement with Boy Scouts of America’s anti-gay policy.
“We let them decide,” he said, adding that he was the person who introduced Scouts for Equality founder, Zach Wahls at his San Diego speaking engagement last week.
Dave Roberts is the candidate endorsed by outgoing supervisor, Slater. In addition to Slater, hhis endorsement list includes stellar names, such as Christine Kehoe, Donna Frye, Toni Atkins, a former surgeon general of the navy; an assistant secretary of defense and a long list (which can be found at LGBTweekly.com) of political heavy weights – both individuals and organizations. The organizations that want to see Dave Roberts add “supervisor” to his name, are environmental groups and several newspapers, including San Diego CityBeat.
“I’m very interested in the environment and animals,” Roberts said. “Those are two areas where Pam and I are very much alike.”
Regarding the environment, Roberts has an idea to bring more solar electricity to San Diego County.
“There’s a program in Riverside County that I’d like to bring here. It’s called Publicly Acquired Commercial Energy or PACE. Homeowners can, if they have 10 percent equity in their home, pay for the installation of solar panels for their roofs through their taxes over twenty years, without paying anything up front.”
Roberts’ proposals, policy positions and his political bent has been characterized as socially progressive, fiscally conservative – though the candidate might prefer “fiscally responsible.” In terms of governance, Roberts is a hand-on wonky type, bordering on technocratic. However to think of Roberts as an official fixed solely on the nuts and bolts of bureaucracy or process would be to ignore his penchant for keeping his eyes on the goal and sharing a vision with his constituents and partners in whatever endeavor is at hand.
Roberts recently promised to work to put limits on county pensions. At the same time, he also committed to find ways to invest more county resources in the arts and culture
“It’s important to remember why I want to run in the first place; that I want to do this to improve quality of life in San Diego County.”
Roberts professes aversion to tax increases and waste. A sizable portion of his career has been about eliminating wasteful spending and improving efficiency and efficacy of large-scale health care regimes. Reporters don’t seem to quibble much about his bona fides in that area. Even his challenger, who was described by the U-T San Diego as “the hard-driving Republican” in the race for District 3 supervisor, has failed to gain much traction by framing Roberts as a wasteful spender – though he tried during the opponents’ most recent debate by criticizing outgoing Supervisor Slater’s support for funding programs at the The Old Globe at the same time some neighborhood after school programs were cut.
However on the topic of taxes and fees, in a recent debate with opponent Steve Danon, chief of staff to Republican congressman, Brian Bilbray, Roberts’ adversary landed a respectable punch by calling him out for what came across as a very long series of parking citation increases and other tax and fee additions Roberts voted for as an elected official at the City of Solana Beach.
Roberts says he’s a job creator. He sees medical tourism, biotech and life sciences, the nonprofit sector and the vast array of institutions of higher education and locally headquartered research institutes as vital components in his plan for creating a reinvigorated jobs market in San Diego County.
Roberts is vice president of a non-profit health care information technology company in addition to serving as deputy mayor of Solana Beach and as a board member and special advisor for numerous other government and non-governmental organizations.
“If I am not elected, I will go on at HIMSS as vice president working in government relations and spend more time with my family,” he said.
A recent poll commissioned by the Roberts campaign shows him ahead of Danon. That’s a change from the most recent independent poll LGBT Weekly could find, which had Danon slightly ahead of Roberts.
Dave Roberts’ Endorsements (from DaveRobertsforsupervisor.com):
Additional elected and/or appointed officials and Individuals:
Vice Admiral Harold Koenig, MD, U.S. Navy Surgeon General (retired), former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and Chairman of the Board for Veterans Village of San Diego
Rear Admiral (retired) Connie Mariano, MD, White House Physician to three American Presidents
Retired Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) Rear Admiral Edward D. Martin, MD
State Senator Christine Kehoe
State Assembly Majority Whip Toni Atkins
Former State Senator and Assemblymember Dede Alpert
Former State Senator Lucy Killea
State Assemblymember and Chair of the Assembly Committee Veterans AffairsMary Salas (former)
San Diego County District 3 Supervisor Pam Slater-Price
Former San Diego City Councilmember, San Diego County Supervisor, and MTDB member Leon Williams
Mayor Bill Arballo, City of Del Mar (former)
Mayor Crystal Crawford, City of Del Mar (former)
Mayor Dave Druker, City of Del Mar (former)
Mayor Tom Golich, City of Solana Beach (former)
Mayor Jerry Harmon, City of Escondido (former)
Mayor Richard D. Hendlin, City of Solana Beach (former)
Mayor Jan McMillan, City of Del Mar (former)
Mayor Celine Olson, City of Solana Beach (former)
Mayor Tere Renteria, City of Solana Beach (former)
Mayor Margaret Schlesinger, City of Solana Beach (former)
Mayor Doug Sheres, City of Solana Beach (former)
Mayor Lou Terrell, City of Del Mar (former)
Mayor Paul S. Tompkins, City of Solana Beach (former)
Mayor Jim Wood, City of Oceanside
Mayor Pro Tem Ann Kulchin, City of Carlsbad
Deputy Mayor Terry Sinnott, City of Del Mar
San Diego City Councilmember Donna Frye (former)
Councilmember Lee Haydu, City of Del Mar
Councilwoman Teresa Arballo Barth, City of Encinitas
San Diego County Transportation Services Agency Chairman and Councilman Bob Campbell, City of Vista (former)
Councilman Tom Campbell, City of Solana Beach
Councilman Ken Cooley, City of Rancho Cordova
Councilman George Gastil, City of Lemon Grove
Councilwoman Lesa Heebner, City of Solana Beach
Councilman Charles “Chuck” Lowery, City of Oceanside (former)
North County Transit District (NCTD) Chairman and Councilman Chris Orlando, City of San Marcos
San Diego County Transportation Services Agency Chairman and Councilman Phil Monroe, City of Coronado (former)
Councilman Mike Nichols, City of Solana Beach
San Diego County Transportation Services Agency Board Chair and Councilwoman Norine Sigafoose, City of Carlsbad (former)
Ian Thompson, husband of former City of Encinitas Mayor Maggie Houlihan
Trustee Kevin Beiser, San Diego Unified School District Board of Trustees
Trustee Nancy C. Chadwick, Palomar Community College District Governing Board; Member, Board of Directors California State Community Colleges Trustees
President Joyce Dalessandro, San Dieguito Union High School District Board of Trustees
Trustee Amy Herman, San Dieguito Union High School District Board of Trustees
Board Member Richard H. Leib, Esq., Solana Beach School District
Trustee Deanne Rich, San Dieguito Union High School District Board of Trustees (former)
Trustee Carol Skiljan, Encinitas Union School Board
Councilwoman Mary Jane Boyd, City of Solana Beach Town Council (former)
Chairman Steven J. Goetsch, City of Solana Beach Public Safety Commission
Chairman Allen Moffson, DMD, City of Solana Beach Public Arts Advisory Commission
Chairman Gerri Retman-Opper, City of Solana Beach Parks and Recreation Commission
Chairman Ed Siegel, MD, City of Solana Beach Parks and Recreation Commission and Public Arts Advisory Commission
Commissioner Bruce Berend, City of Solana Beach View Assessment Commission (former)
Commissioner David Bittar, MD, City of Solana Beach Public Safety Commission (former)
Commissioner Roger Boyd, City of Solana Beach Public Safety Commission (former)
Commissioner Gary Coad, City of Solana Beach View Assessment Commission (former)
Commissioner Pat Coad, City of Solana Beach View Assessment Commission
Commissioner Irene DeWatteville, City of Solana Beach Public Arts Commission (former)
Commissioner Vickie Driver, City of Solana Beach Public Safety Commission
Commissioner Jewel Edson, City of Solana Beach View Assessment Commission
Commissioner Tara Gordon, City of Solana Beach Public Arts Commission
Commissioner Dr. John C. (Jack) Hegenauer, City of Solana Beach View Assessment
Commissioner Sharon Klein, City of Solana Beach Public Arts Commission
Commissioner Susan McEachern, City of Solana Beach Parks & Recreation Commission
Commissioner Lynne Truong, City of Solana Beach Parks & Recreation Commission
Commissioner Michael Whitton, City of Solana Beach Budget & Finance Commission
Commissioner Georgia Wood, City of Solana Beach View Assessment Commission
Commissioner David Zito, City of Solana Beach View Assessment Commission
President Carol Childs, Solana Beach Civic & Historical Association
President Ann Welton, Friends of the Solana Beach Library
President Carolyn Cohen, Solana Beach Chamber of Commerce
Vice President Jason Smith, Solana Beach Chamber of Commerce
President Maggie Brown, Friends of the San Dieguito River Valley
Chair Dennis Ridz, Torrey Pines Community Planning Board
Chair Jan Fuchs, Carmel Valley Community Planning Board (former)
Chair Bruce Bekkar, MD, Sustainability Advisory Board, City of Del Mar
Director David Kulchin, Leucadia Wastewater District Board of Directors
Executive Director Dan Silver, Environmental Habitat League (EHL)
Louise Keeling, surviving spouse of Charles David Keeling, the world renowned scientist that originated the “Keeling Curve” and a former scientist at Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Dave Kreitzer, San Diego County Planning Commissioner (former)
Kathy Prout, surviving spouse of Rear Admiral James G. Prout III, commander of the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier battle group
Trustee George McNeil, MiraCosta College Board
Trustee Jacqueline (Jackie) Simon, MiraCosta College Board
Trustee Gloria Carranza, Miracosta Community College Board
Former San Diego County Cable TV Commissioner Elliot Becker
Eileen Haag, President of the San Diego Women’s Foundation
Chair Sara Wan, California Coastal Commission (former)
Judy Ki, California Commissioner on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs
Betty Yee, member of the State Board of Equalization
Chuck Abdelnour, J.D., San Diego City Clerk – Emeritus
*Titles are listed for descriptive purposes only and do not imply organizational endorsement.
Organizations & Media
Friends of the San Dieguito River Valley
League of Conservation Voters San Diego
Sierra Club, San Diego Chapter
U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce
Coast News
San Diego CityBeat
Tierra Times
La Prensa San Diego
Endorsements by individuals the listed as community and business leaders by the Roberts campaign:
- Bruce M. Abrams
- Donald Billings
- Mary Jane Boyd
- Roger Boyd
- Susan A. Bruun
- Gil Cabrera
- Carol I. Childs
- Max Disposti
- Suzie Ditmars
- Laura J. Galinson
- Thomas S. Golich
- Eileen Haag
- David R. Hodges
- Joel O. Holliday
- Peter W. House, M.D.
- Gene Iredale
- Irwin Jacobs
- Joan Jacobs
- Mel Katz
- Jeffrey Krinsk
- Marcy Krinsk
- James H. Lauer, Jr.
- Ira Lechner
- Nicholas Leibham
- Sean MacLeod
- Gary Martin
- George Mitrovich
- Allen M. Moffson
- Pamela Morgan
- Amy Moser
- Frederick T. Muto
- Lynn Muto
- Bob Nelson
- Jeff Ressler
- H. Randall Stoke
- Alan Tarkington
- Ian Thompson
- Carol Waldman
- Michael J. Whitton
- David J. Winkler
Dave Roberts endorsed and gave money to Brian Bilbray and donated to President George Bush. In the past few years, he’s been a member of every political party, including George Wallace’s American Independent Party. Not reliable.