Russian politician claims ‘fasting and prayer can cure homosexuality’

Vitaly Milonov

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia – A deputy of the St. Petersburg city legislature has claimed in an interview that homosexuality can be ‘cured by fasting and prayer.’

Vitaly Milonov, the author of the St. Petersburg bill banning gay propaganda continued his anti-gay crusade in an interview on the popular Russian talk radio show Ekho Moskvy.

According to RT, Milonov said that if his son told him he was gay, he would take him to a priest who should tell the young man that he was partaking in a bad habit that one can easily quit.

“God can send many temptations upon us,” he said. “But the thing is, this illness is easily treated by fasting and praying. I do not know of a single case within the Russian Orthodox Church that a man would not be cured by his sincere repentance in this sin. People get rid of it, just like they get rid of kleptomania or, for instance, fornicators.”

Milonov has led a relentless campaign against LGBT rights in St. Petersburg. He even received a parody award in June for his initiative to ban homosexuality in Russia until 2015. Milonov is also attempting to outlaw abortion.


2 thoughts on “Russian politician claims ‘fasting and prayer can cure homosexuality’

  1. Fasting and prayer definitely wont make any difference on “curing” homosexuality but the combo would go a long way for his double chin.

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