Snow White and the Huntsman

Chris Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart in Snow White and the Huntsman

dvd of the week

What a great idea: Remake Snow White, but throw out everything that made the Disney film work and replace it with everything that made The Lord of the Rings work. And it is, actually, a great idea. In this film, the huntsman who is charged with capturing Snow White has a much, much bigger role as her friend, ally, and, potentially, lover. Chris Hemsworth, best known as Thor, is fantastic as the dark, drunken action hero. As Snow White, Kristen Stewart is fine when she’s not looking so concerned and breathing so hard. But she’s miscast, because while she’s pretty, she’s not remotely as stunning as Charlize Theron, who plays the queen. Theron is the reason the movie works; she manages to avoid camp while playing a role that almost begs for it. She’s ruthless and truly evil, but – and this is particularly amazing – she’s also sympathetic.

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