“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for twenty-five years will tell you these stories,” previously discredited author Jerome Corsi quotes former ‘gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs,’ Kevin DuJan, as telling him. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”
And, according to Corsi’s dubious source, President Barack Obama’s sexual orientation is as specific as his supposed penchant for men who fit the Republican Party stereotype (“older white guys”). Obama is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual,” says DuJan. “He’s homosexual.”
Corsi’s article quoting DuJan appeared on the WorldNetDaily Web site, WND.com and described DuJan as “a prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community.”
“It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” DuJan told Corsi. “Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president.”
Also mong Corsi’s other illusory sources is an unnamed member of a gym called the East Bank Club in Chicago. According to Corsi, the member “confirmed Obama was a member there and was known to be a homosexual.” Corsi doesn’t explain how a member – not a staff member – of the gym could confirm another’s membership.
He continued, “The upscale fitness club, which has some 10,000 members, is not a ‘gay’ facility. But it’s one of a number of places identified by the Chicago homosexual community as a ‘gay gym,’ where homosexuals meet and engage in sexual activity.”
Corsi’s byline at the WorldNewsDaily site appears above a bio that reads “Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers ‘The Obama Nation’ and ‘Unfit for Command.’ Corsi’s latest book is ‘Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?'”
DuJan’s Web site, HillBuzz.org says it was “… founded and edited by Kevin DuJan while working on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008 … Hillbuzz.org offers DuJan’s unique perspective as a gay man, Cleveland Ohio native, former Democrat and Tea Party activist, along with commentary and illustrations from several undercover Conservative and Independent contributors.”
DuJan’s claims, as advanced in Corsi’s “exclusive” include a Clintonesque allegory to conspiracy theories about the “real story” behind the suicide of Vince Foster during the early days of President Bill Clinton’s first term.
“‘…there was fear in the gay community’ about talking openly about Obama being homosexual, particularly after the murder in December, 2007 of Donald Young, the openly gay choir director at Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, who was known to be a close friend of Obama.” writes Corsi, quoting DuJan. “’People did not want to talk openly about Obama being gay,’ …”
The insinuation that the gay choir director died because he was going to tell the world about Obama’s alleged gayness and/or that he, Young, and the president had some level of romantic or sexual involvement is clear, yet not backed up with any evidence.
Just as his books have been shown to be full of misinformation, innacuracies and untruths, so Jerome Corsi‘s “expose” about a supposed secretly gay Barack Obama is all inuendo and unsubstantiated claims.
Then there’s Kevin DuJan, whose HillBuzz blog is an unusual mishmash of the forlorn effort to recruit Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party nominee for president in 2012 as well as a forum for outlier political opinions; conspiracy theories; political gossip; and warnings about the perils of an (imagined) powerful modern Marxist movement. Also featured are far-right rants about “freedom-hating liberals;” generalized anti-Obama rhetoric; and sundry musings about everything from the joys of reading about pie shops who refuse EBT cards, to “news” posts such as a story about how the couple now known as William, Duke of Cambride and Catherine “Kate,” Duchess of Cambridge were forced to not invite the Obamas to their wedding because America’s president and first lady couldn’t promise to behave and avoid becoming spectacles during the solemn occasion of their royal nuptials.
Together, Corsi and DuJan reference one another back-and-forth in their writings about their fictionally gay president, as if they were substantiating each other. What’s really going on is the operation of a mutual-agenda factoid regurgitation and recirculating procedure by a clownish pair who like to think of themselves as a hit team against the president. Perhaps unbeknownst to them, in actuality Corsi and DuJan present more as a pair of barely audible (yet thoroughly annoying) gnats buzzing past the ears of those unfortunate enough to encounter their, ahem, reporting.
could someone answer a question about dujan? are those crazy mineral city coffee club letters written by him via the name “Patricia Melton”? His site is so hard to make sense of since it is so crazy
Either DuJan and Larry Sinclair (Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair: Sex, Cocaine and Lies) are telling the truth…. or they’re not. I didn’t see any concrete evidence in this article to refute what they have said. How would you respond if these allegations were made about Romney?
Kevin and Jerome are just the tip of the iceberg. The author, Thom Senzee, should do a lot more research and not draw conclusions from two journalists only. This article is uninformed, irresponsible and irrelevant.
So sorry to come this late to the party! Kevin Dujan (DuJan, my delicate high-arch pink foot) would be a pitiable creature if he weren’t so poisonous. I have direct experience with this: he made up a melodramatic “attack” by the Evil Left as an excuse to attack a series of innocent people, including me, by setting his cult-follower/readers on us to try to “out” our real names and physical addresses. He and his flying monkeys actually got as far as my first name and my general neighborhood. This week-long amusement was headlined, “Sleuthing Of The Day,” and brought in both money and attention from the entire Right-O-Sphere. Kevin (or as I like to call him, Harvey Bilk) may have wiped a deal of it off the site after one of his subjects filed a police report, but I have the hard copy printed out, and cyber-stalking is still a fourth-class felony in Illinois, Kevin, in case you’re Googling yourself again!
@llama: “Pat Melton” is as real as Sebastian Gray and the other “boiz” of Hillbuzz! That they all badly need an editor and write in the same catty voice with the same sentence construction is pure coincidence! ; – >
There is a large archive of his hijinks at my otherwise neglected and dusty blog, if you care to follow the link. Even if you don’t, he seems to have shut down Hillbuzz for the past month, just coincidentally five days after the REAL Kos REALLY attacked (as in, ‘made fun of’) him for his deliciously insane Election Night Thread. Highly recommended! Happy New Year!
That dude sounds about as much fun as a wet raccoon trapped in an outhouse.