CHARLOTTE, N.C. (CNN) – For Democrats who gathered at their convention in the swing state of North Carolina, the high glitz extravaganza watched by millions on television was a partisan infomercial that has paid off, for the moment, in energizing their voters.
For Republicans who convened in the battleground state of Florida, the impact on the party faithful of their event has waned.
The Democratic convention in Charlotte last week revved up the base as a CNN/ORC International poll released Monday showed more Democrats than Republicans were enthusiastic about voting.
Although the difference between them is narrow at 59 percent to 57 percent, Republicans commanded a six-point edge, 62 percent to 56 percent, coming out of their convention.
“The Democratic convention was fairly well-received, particularly in comparison to the GOP meeting the previous week in Tampa,” CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said about the latest figures.
Moreover, Democrats have gained substantially since a March survey when only 46 percent of respondents said they were enthusiastic about voting compared to 52 percent for Republicans.
The changes in voter enthusiasm within the parties also came as new polls showed shifting sentiment in the presidential race toward Democratic President Barack Obama.
The CNN poll showed Obama opening up a lead over his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, after weeks of running even – 52 percent of likely voters nationwide backed Obama, compared to 46 percent for Romney. A Gallup survey released on Sunday also showed Obama with a wider lead.
But a Washington Post-ABC News poll of likely voters also released Monday showed the race still neck-and-neck with Obama at 49 percent and Romney at 48 percent.
This headline has a terrible problem with subject/verb agreement.
Problem fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.