David Koch, the billionaire industrialist who has donated millions of dollars to help elect Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney has stated that he disagrees with the Republican stance against same-sex marriage.
Koch spoke to Politico during last week’s Republican National Conference, saying, “I believe in gay marriage.” When told Romney was against equal marriage, Koch said, “Well, I disagree with that.”
Koch who was a vice presidential nominee for the Libertarian party in the 1980s has often broken with GOP policies although he considers himself primarily Republican.
According to Politico Koch also disagreed with other Republican policies saying he thinks the U.S. military should withdraw from the Middle East and the government should consider defense spending cuts, as well as possible tax increases to get its fiscal house in order.
Koch is a co-owner (with older brother Charles) and an executive vice president of Koch Industries, a conglomerate that is the second-largest privately held company in the U.S.
Time magazine included both Charles and David Koch among the 100 most influential people of 2011.