At last week’s 2012 Lavender Law Conference in Washington D.C. Attorney General Eric Holder spoke about how President Obama and his administration had taken important steps to ensure equality and justice for LGBT people.
Speaking before approximately 1,000 lawyers and legal professionals, at the annual gathering hosted by the National LGBT Bar Association, the attorney general began his speech by underlining President Obama’s commitment to LGBT equality saying, “For President Obama, for me, and for our colleagues at every level of the Obama administration, this work [LGBT equality] has long been a top priority – and I’m pleased to note that it has resulted in meaningful, measurable, and enduring change.”
Citing the historic repeal of DADT Holder said, “As we approach the one-year anniversary of the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, it’s worth celebrating the fact that so many brave servicemen and women can now serve their country proudly, honestly, openly, and without fear of discharge.”
He referenced the fact, with pride, that President Obama and he had directed Justice Department attorneys not to defend the constitutionality of section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act.
Acknowledging the leadership and dedication of Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez, he confirmed the Department of Justice continues to make “robust efforts” to ensure the “vigorous enforcement of civil rights protections in order to safeguard LGBT individuals and others from the most brutal forms of bias-motivated violence.”
Concluding, Holder encouraged members of the audience to remain engaged in the work of the Obama administration to ensure equality and justice for LGBT people, “… I’m not just here to thank you for all you’ve done to help bring us to this point; to highlight the administration’s efforts in service of the same cause; or to celebrate everything that we’ve achieved together.
I’m also here to ask for your continued help, to draw on your considerable passion and expertise, and to reiterate the Department’s commitment – and my own – to building on the momentum we’ve established, and ensuring that the recent successes we’ve seen are just the beginning.”