An open letter to LGBT Republicans

As the Republican National Convention comes to an end, I feel compelled to write an open letter to those in the LGBT community who are Republican.

Can LGBT Republicans help me understand how you have come to be a part of a political party that truly seems to despise you? You know that the Republican Party has a history of refusing money from LGBT Republican groups like the Log Cabin Republicans. That’s right, returning donations from the group because the group is comprised of LGBT people.

You also know that the Republican LGBT group, Go Proud, was refused admission to the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2010. The religious conservatives, like Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council, threatened to pull out if Go Proud was anywhere near the convention hall. Why do you support a political party that so openly humiliates you?

Why does your party refuse to give gays and lesbians even second-class relationship recognition, also known as civil unions? You know the platform to be presented at your convention says “[W]e believe that marriage, the union of one man and one woman must be upheld as the national standard, a goal to stand for, encourage, and promote through laws governing marriage.”

The Republican platform draft further says “…congressional Republicans took the lead in enacting the Defense of Marriage Act, affirming the right of the states and the federal government not to recognize same-sex relationships licensed in other jurisdictions.” It also says the Republican Party supports the campaigns against same-sex marriage that are underway in several states.

Help me understand why LGBT Republicans will enter the voting booth and pull the lever for the Republican presidential standard bearer? As I have said before, to me it seems like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders; the relationship will not end well.

I have heard the arguments that LGBT Republicans are slowly changing the party from within. Recently, R. Clarke Cooper, the head of the Log Cabin Republicans, bragged about how proud he was that his organization’s literature was put out for the delegates at the convention.

The Log Cabin Republican’s educational material was on a table “next to the stacks of Family Research Council material,” Cooper said. “I’m sure they were reeling, but if they asked leadership why it was there, they would hear it is because the RNC asked that all materials be put out there for delegates and press to pick up.” LGBT Republicans, help me understand how this is major progress for LGBT equality.

Then there is the leader of the Tea Party Republican group, Go Proud’s, Jimmy LaSalvia. He said “This election is bigger than one issue. We are in a crisis in this country and gay people need jobs. Sure same-sex marriage is important, but we can’t base our presidential vote on it.” Why can’t marriage equality be the first priority for an LGBT voter?

The original civil rights march in 1963 was called “The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” African American civil rights leaders at the time were able to protest for jobs and freedom. Why can’t Republican LGBT organizations do the same? Go Proud has already endorsed Romney. I expect the Log Cabin Republicans will do the same.

LGBT Republicans, please help me understand why your basic civil rights are trumped by other issues when you enter the voting booth. Why are equal rights in employment, marriage equality, and the more than 1,100 benefits that are afforded married couples, so much less important than economic issues? If you are not equal does anything else matter?

My LGBT Republican brothers and sisters, I want to understand your support of the Republican Party, but I cannot get there on my own intellectually or emotionally. Please educate me.

In direct contrast, the Democratic platform draft says, “We support marriage equality.” v



San Diego LGBT Weekly

3 thoughts on “An open letter to LGBT Republicans

  1. Why do we have to fit in one category or another to begin with. Some choose to align themselves as a Republican because of their beliefs in fiscal conservatism and smaller government as a bigger issue that this country is facing rather than gay marriage or revoking DOMA.

    That is a huge problem. Where is there a true party that has the voice of someone who beleives in fiscal responsiblity, smaller government, pro-business, and less taxes coupled with pro-choice, freedom of marriage, and gun control top name a few?

    I agree, marriage for all is important and we are moving in that direction. Yet there are bigger issues on the table that affect the country as a whole that need to be addressed. We right now need to convice the parties to start working with each other and compromising in good faith. Each side needs to be willing put the country first to fix our economy. We need to bring the jobs back. We need to spend government monery on infrastructure and leave local issues with the local governments. We need to revamp the tax codes so everyone is paying the same percentage and have incentives to corporations to return home or face higher tariffs and taxation for products and services not made here in the states. These are the real big issues that we Americans need to be focusing and not whining about social issues not coming about fast enough for some. It will come.

    As far as the Log Cabin Republicans go, most are looking at the state of the nation as the first priority. I do not agree with most of the platform they have, I do respect their conviction to stand on these issues even though they are sacrifising certain issues in their personal life. I don’t have to agree with them to respect them.

    Can’t we stop for a minute and look at the state of our nation. Our voices should be one at getting our government to work for us again! Why not use your soap box for that effort first?

  2. The fact that you do not understand me is exactly why I am not a member of your political groupthink.

    I think for myself. I don’t let anyone tell me what I should believe. Instead, I investigate the facts on my own and make my own decisions. That is the main reason why I’m not a Democrat.

    I consistently have intelligent debates with Republicans, openly expressing diverse views to curious and respectful listeners. Democrats usually attempt to demean my beliefs or, without knowing I’m gay and happily committed to a beautiful man, call me a homophobe or a racist, shout me down, and storm off.

    Also, I’m a capitalist and free market defender. There is nothing more dangerous to a prosperous, free market economy than a Democrat-controlled Congress and Presidency. The history of the modern world is replete with Socialist dictators who have sought to protect the big governments that they have created. We are currently on our way down the “We’ll-take-care-of-you.” entitlement path.

    With all that, Mr. Corbin, other than the micro-social issues of gay marriage and acceptance of political contributions, I have to ask, “Why are you a Democrat?”

  3. Thank you for the chance to respond. I’m a 60 year old gay man and live in Hillcrest. I spent 22 years in the Marine Corps, retired in 2000 and have been politically active for the last 10 years. I’m a Republican for several reasons. First, taxes. Simply put, Dems love to raise taxes. They love to raise MY taxes. I pay more than my fair share, but Dems just want more. Second, national defense. There once was a time that some Dems cared about the military. Now they just give it lip service. Case in point the proposed Vet center in Old Town. Third, the national debt. Obama will double the debt in four years. Do Dems just not care? Their answer, of course, is to raise taxes. Fourth, gun rights. You would be surprised how many gay men own a firearm. We are responsible, safe people who like to go out and legally shoot our own pistol on occasion. Given the opportunity, Dems would ban private ownership of firearms. When I talk to my gay friends about what is important to them in life, gay marriage is never at the top of their list. Most don’t want to be part of a failed institution. Democrats take the gay vote for granted. They shouldn’t.

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