I have a friend who told me how each night before he goes to sleep he puts a full glass of water next to his bed so that the first thing in the morning when he wakes up, he drinks the entire glass of water. This has multiple benefits – it’s good for the digestive system, immune system and the skin.
“Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!”
In this article I’d like us to look at the Gospel of Mark. Mark is one of four Gospels that relate the life story of Jesus and the Good News of God’s love for all people. Now, having four different Gospels is like having four different stations to watch the Olympic highlights. They all cover the same events, but with different slants and emphases.
Well, if the Gospels were movies, Matthew and Luke would be epics like “Gone with the Wind”, “Lawrence of Arabia”, “Lord of the Rings Trilogy”, or “Dances with Wolves.” Long stories, long speeches and lots of character development.
John would be a love story – like “Dr. Zhivago,” “When Harry Met Sally”, “Titanic”, or “Brokeback Mountain”. A strong focus on love and its impact – no matter who you are.
But Mark would be “Transformers”, “Mission Impossible”, “Star Trek” or “Avatar” – action films! Not much on flowery speech, but long on action and adventure. A vivid, quick account that emphasizes what Jesus did more than what he said. The cutaways and scene changes are fast and furious, action scenes pile up one after another until you go “Wow!” and reel from the impact.
Like all good action films, my piece starts with a bang. As the opening credits roll off the screen, there’s an explosion. John the Baptist explodes on the scene. He’s explicitly connected with the OT promises. He’s the one!
The prophets said there would be a messenger, who’d be in the desert, and the message would be “Get ready for the Promised One.”
Here’s John, in the desert, he’s definitely a wilderness guy, as his clothes and food attest. And he calls people to repent – to return to God – a loving God who loves you just as you are.
So John “The Baptizer” is calling people to come out to the desert to be baptized with water as a symbol of accepting God. And they do! “Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!”
But John points to something bigger – One much greater is coming. “This One will baptize you with a comforting Spirit.”
“Get ready!” “It’s a new day!” “It’s a new dawn!”
God is light, and this light brings life to us (like water brings life to the desert) and shows us our path … and shows us our way. All we have to do is stay connected to God.
So, there was a tremendous response to John’s message. Crowds gathered and people came from everywhere. No sooner had the dust settled from this explosion in the desert than something else big happens. Suddenly, we’re introduced to our main character: Jesus.
Jesus, our example, obeys John’s call to come to the desert to prepare for a great future. I just love that – a foreshadowing of that happens when we obey Jesus’ call in our lives – you’d better start preparing for a great future! But something amazing happens when Jesus gets baptized.
Literally, all heaven breaks loose!
Jesus is baptized, God speaks, and the Spirit descends.
Here’s Jesus, the Son of God, the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit, humbly placing himself in relationship with Abba God. Jesus, the one who leads us to a relationship with God is being our example.
What are you hydrating on this morning? Is it truly the words of Jesus about loving – even loving our enemies? And not judging. And even loving ourselves, the way God loves us?
What are you drinking in? Drink in God’s love – God’s inclusive love. Let the living water of God’s spirit refresh and renew you.
Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
Rev. Dan Koeshall is the Senior Pastor at The Metropolitan Community Church (The Met) in San Diego, California, themetchurch.org