PROVO, Utah (CNN) – A Utah road sign in Provo was caught on camera flashing the text “GOD HATES GAYS.”
The video was taken last week on University Avenue near the Provo town center.
It’s an area with a lot of road work going on, but at the time the video was taken there didn’t appear to be any road crews in the area.
The flashing road sign alternated between two messages in capital letters: “FOLLOW DETOUR” and “GOD HATES GAYS.”
The video was posted on YouTube.com and has already drawn attention and several comments from people disturbed by the message.
“This is not a Provo City sign and of course it does not reflect the opinion of the city. I personally find it very offensive. Despite every effort to prevent it, sometimes signs like this get hacked. The city has contacted the team working on this construction project and they are looking into it,” wrote Helen Anderson, Provo City spokeswoman.
Utah Department of Transportation said they are investigating whether this is one of their signs.