The fallout of a weekend water-gun fight at the fabled lily pond in Balboa Park, now being called “Lilygate” includes more than $10,000 in municipal property damage – not to mention the potential to cost one leading mayoral candidate the 2012 election.
Candidates Bob Filner, a Democrat and San Diego’s firebrand liberal congressman and City Councilman Carl DeMaio, a Republican, very publicly traded jabs over the scope of alleged involvement of DeMaio’s life partner, Johnathan Hale in the midnight invasion of the koi-filled pond by thousands of trampling human feet.
At first the DeMaio campaign had sought to downplay the incident.
“I have no comment on that,” said DeMaio spokesman, Jeff Powell, speaking by phone from the councilman’s offices at City Hall. Similarly, hours after a voicemail was left at the councilman’s mayoral campaign headquarters regarding the issue, the campaign had offered no response.
The Filner Campaign, however, raised concerns over Hale’s involvement to the level of a campaign issue releasing the following statement:
“This is felony vandalism of the crown jewel of San Diego. Carl DeMaio’s partner reportedly helped to organize it. I call on Carl to condemn Jonathan Hale’s criminal actions. I think voters should be concerned about someone like this playing a significant role in the next mayoral administration.”
The DeMaio campaign struck back with a press conference refuting the Filner campaign’s allegations. Surrounded by supporters, a visibly angry DeMaio blasted Filner for conducting “desperate personal attacks against my family.”
“By condemning an innocent man today without any facts,” Demaio said. “Bob Filner has shown he is unfit to lead this city.”
The war of words over Johnathan Hale’s involvement escalated during a debate Tuesday sponsored by the San Diego Builders and Management Association, where DeMaio asserted that Filner was willing to lie to be elected mayor. The candidates clashed on the issue at least five times during the debate.
Afterwords K.B. Forbes, communications director, for the DeMaio campaign heckled Congressman Filner calling him a “bold-faced liar” among other things.
Damage done at the century-old koi pond in Balboa Park after the weekend melee included broken pipes, injured fish, destroyed plant life and broken fixtures.
An announcement on the Web site of San Diego Gay & Lesbian News (SDGLN.com), which is owned by DeMaio’s life partner, Johnathan Hale, promoted attendance of what calendar columnist Jim Winsor, termed “a very unique and unusual event.” Winsor gave former SDGLN.com contributor, “Ken St. Pierre and others” credit for organizing the midnight water-gun fight in Balboa Park.
Following is the text of the announcement, which includes a link to what appears to be a now-deactivated Facebook events page:
And this Saturday, we have a very unique and unusual event coming up: A midnight water-gun fight in Balboa Park being organized by Ken St. Pierre and others. The idea is to “… meet at the large fountain in front of San Diego Natural History Museum at 11:45 pm (near Park Boulevard). First “squirt” will be at the stroke of midnight and then it is a free-for-all of water-gun madness!!!”
The event is BYOWG (bring your own water gun) and pool attire is suggested, as everyone will be getting soaking wet. The fascinating thing is, this event has already generated LOTS of attention; as I write this over 900 people have already indicated themselves as “Going” on Facebook, and organizers are hoping the event will continue to go viral and attract over 1,000 potential attendees. So yeah, this should be interesting!
Despite conflicting reports, no animals died due to the invasion, according to city officials.
However, City Councilman Todd Gloria, whose district Balboa Park lies in, told LGBT Weekly that anyone who helped promote the incursion into the koi pond or who helped cause damage to city property should be held accountable.
“Anyone causing damage to public property should be held accountable, no matter who they are or who they know,” said Councilman Todd Gloria.
Why does this website continue to attempt to make this about demaio and his husband? It’s really far fetched, obviously politically motivated smear campaign. You’ve lost my respect.
The San Diego Gay & Lesbian News really slams the news report you published. The problem is that they didn’t say it was false. Non Denial Denial.
Who is this Vickie? Aka @Angelonsite? Aka union activist pushing the distortions of this story?
What’s with the fetish with Hale? Weird.
Why do the owners of this website engage in such blatant falsehoods?
How could anyone close to the Hale camp seriously question the people who question the credibility of Jonathan Hale and his “boo” Carl DeMaio? These guys have a long, documented histoy of lying and arrogance that the watchdog press has NOT fabricated. There are dozens of reporters in and outside the LGBT media that have done their homework and witnessed their dishonesty time and again. The bigger question about the promotion of lilygate goes to Ken St. Pierre and Jim Windsor. When will these two defenders of Hale realize they’re getting too old for all the frat-twink-boi events they get involved with?
WOW…. really telling of a Publication that doesn’t have the integrity to “approve” comments which shine a light on serious questions and facts rather than bitter mud slinging. The thing you should be concerned with is my ability (and others) to retain evidence of your lack of journalistic integrity!
Lets try it again…. shall we?
Clark Kent
August 16, 2012 – 4:16 pm
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What a bunch of Bitter Ignoramuses @ LGBT Weekly!! It appears you are hell bent on keeping some childish pissing match alive “no holds bared” towards Hale Media and anyone associated to DeMaio.
You state “The Cops are not stupid” more than once. Really? Not Stupid, REALLY? Lets ask some hard questions here. How is it that an estimated 1,500+ fun seeking revelers armed with water guns can converge on the Crown Jewel of City of San Diego’s Parks and Recreation Dept. and NOT draw the attention and presence of the ever vigilant proactive SDPD?
Why was the Fountain Drained?? This was NOT a spur of the moment gathering… the word had been out for days / weeks and WAS intended as a good bit of sober fun. I’m betting that had the Fountain been in its normal state, the pond would have never been touched, that’s not to excuse the fact that is was damaged but again… I ask where were the police and security? I completely understand how most of the revelers were unaware of the delicate nature of the pond. In a World where authorities put up a barrier fence or rope around a glass case containing something of value, the pond is left without even a 2′ rabbit fence and a few “Keep Out” signs. Again, that’s not an excuse, common sense “should” dictate you keep out, but like someone said about the pride parade damage.. people don’t always use their heads in these situations.
When you add up the drained fountain, complete absence of ANY police response to a crowd like this at MIDNIGHT and the almost spontaneous attack by Filner, this publication and others on Hale / DeMaio … hum? Let’s see, Police, City Workers, Union reps… ??? I’ve seen enough politics lately to easily believe some people could choose to sit back and wait… after all it would be a real shame if something like this became fodder for political agendas.
LGBT Weekly…. the general public isn’t that stupid either and you are quite correct… this might just have a surprise ending, but I wouldn’t be drooling quite yet, you might have to wash that face off pretty soon!
Who is this Vickie? Aka @Angelinsite? Aka union organizer and union activist? What’s the obsession with Hale?
Ken St. Pierre and Jonathan Hale should be ashamed of what they did to that lovely place. Demaio must accept responsiibility and drop out of the race for mayor. He is unfit
I don’t understand why the Friends of Balboa Park raised the money to fix the pond? Why don’t those who wrecked it and caused up to $19,000 in damage KUSI has reported acutally have to pay for it? This city makes no sense. Someone is clearly trying to cover something up here. All I know is that when Carl DeMaio and Jonathan Hale were representing Dining Out for Life for the Center, raising money for AIDS a few years ago, they were at the same restaurant I was at and Carl himself came up to our table to make some disrespectful and rude remarks. He was was representing the Center that evening as a representative for Dining Out for Life. How can someone who is so arrogant like Carl and disrespecful expect others to bow down before him. Sorry that will never happen. He has no integrity whatsoever not to mention he is completly unprofessional. Thats my expierence.