A statement of condolence by 25 prominent LGBT leaders was issued jointly and released through GLAAD today after a shooting at the headquarters of the staunchly anti-LGBT rights activist group, Family Research Council (FRC).
One man, a security guard, was wounded during a struggle with the alleged gunman, 28-year-old Floyd Corkins. Some news reports quoted sources who said the suspect was carrying Chick-fil-A promotional materials in his car. Witnesses reportedly said the alleged gunman shouted statements contrary to FRC policy positions as he allegedly attacked occupants inside the group’s offices.
Following is the statement issued by the LGBT groups and their top officials’ signatures:We were saddened to hear news of the shooting this morning at the offices of the Family Research Council. Our hearts go out to the shooting victim, his family, and his co-workers.
The motivation and circumstances behind today’s tragedy are still unknown, but regardless of what emerges as the reason for this shooting, we utterly reject and condemn such violence. We wish for a swift and complete recovery for the victim of this terrible incident.
Michael Adams
Executive Director, Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Tico Almeida
President, Freedom to Work
Katie Belanger
Executive Director, Fair Wisconsin
Wayne Besen
Founding Executive Director, Truth Wins Out
A.J. Bockelman
Executive Director, PROMO
Sharon Brackett
Board Chair, Gender Rights Maryland
Carly Burton
Deputy Director, MassEquality
Dr. Eliza Byard
Executive Director, Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Jennifer Chrisler
Executive Director, Family Equality Council
Brad Clark
Executive Director, One Colorado
R. Clarke Cooper
Executive Director, Log Cabin Republicans
Dwayne Crenshaw
Executive Director, San Diego LGBT Pride
Heather Cronk
Managing Director, GetEQUAL
Jerame Davis
Executive Director, National Stonewall Democrats
Emily Dievendorf
Director of Policy, Equality Michigan
James Esseks
Director, ACLU Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Project
Lynn A. Faria
Interim Executive Director, Empire State Pride Agenda
Jenna Frazzini
Executive Director, Basic Rights Oregon
Joshua A. Friedes
Spokesperson, Equal Rights Washington
Herndon Graddick
President, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Chad Griffin
President, Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
Jody M. Huckaby
Executive Director, PFLAG National (Parents, Families, Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Mara Keisling
Executive Director, National Center of Transgender Equality
Kate Kendell
Executive Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)
Abbe Land
Executive Director & CEO, The Trevor Project
Gregory Lewis
Executive Director, True Colors Fund
Eileen Ma
Executive Director, API Equality-LA
Ineke Mushovic
Executive Director, Movement Advancement Project
National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
Darlene Nipper
Deputy Executive Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Donna Red Wing
Executive Director, One Iowa
Marisa Richmond, Ph.D.
President, Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition (TTPC)
Aubrey Sarvis
Executive Director, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
Josh Seefried
Co-Director, OutServe
Peggy Shorey
Executive Director, Pride at Work
Brian Silva
Executive Director, Marriage Equality USA
Lee Swislow
Executive Director, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
Rachel B. Tiven, Esq.
Executive Director, Immigration Equality
Chuck Wolfe
President & CEO, Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund and Institute
Evan Wolfson
President, Freedom to Marry