Seattle: At gay pride festivities, focus is on November

SEATTLE (KCPQ) — As part of a busy weekend for the city, Seattle is hosting one of the nation’s largest gay pride celebrations. But as people celebrate, many are looking ahead to November, when Washingtonians will vote on same-sex marriage.

“It’s a big year with Referendum 74 on the ballot this year, so I wanted to come out and represent,” said Natee Snelson of West Seattle.

Referendum 74 came about after Gov. Chris Gregoire signed gay marriage into law in Washington earlier this year. However, the law cannot take effect until after the vote, because opponents gathered enough signatures to get the referendum on the ballot.

“By the end of the day we are going to have upwards of 240,000 signatures, which is double the requirement,” said Joseph Blackholm of Preserve Marriage Washington.

Now that the issue is on the ballot, supporters of gay marriage say they realize they’ve got their work cut out for them.

So far in the country, there have been 32 times marriage equality has been on the ballot in one way or another and it hasn’t ever won yet,” said Rep. Jamie Pedersen (D-Seattle).

Pedersen is one of the legislators who helped get marriage passed in Washington. He too would like to marry his partner some day. For him, encouraging people to vote no on R-74 is important not only on Pride Weekend, but every day leading up to the election.

“My partner and i have four kids,” Pedersen said. “We’d love for them to understand that we have serious commitment just the way that all of their friends’ parents do.”

Lyear, celebrations at Pride Weekend gave way to chaos, as anarchists vandalized businesses and hurt two Seattle police officers. Windows were broken at American Apparel and Ferrari and Maserati of Seattle.

The Seattle Police Department, which released an anti-bullying “It Gets Better” video on Saturday featuring gay and lesbian officers, said it would be out in greater force for this weekend’s festival

One thought on “Seattle: At gay pride festivities, focus is on November

  1. I know this didn’t originate with you, but you have the referendum 74 vote backwards. A YES vote is a vote FOR marriage equality. It is confusing since the opponents of equality were the ones circulating petitions to get it on the ballot. It will appear as a veto referendum, just making us have to vote whether to accept the bill as passed or veto it. I can assure you, Jamie Pederson wants us all to vote YES on R-74!

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