HRC survey reveals struggles of LGBT youth

HRC‘s groundbreaking new survey of LGBT youth in the U.S. is a call to immediate action.

Thousands of youth who don’t feel accepted by their parents or classmates reported being verbally harassed – twice as many as their straight peers.

What’s more, only 37% of LGBT youth say they’re happy, compared to 67% among their straight peers. Our elected leaders, from Washington to your hometown, need to understand the struggles LGBT youth face. Send our survey results to your elected officials today.

LGBT Youth Survey Results

Dear Elected Official,

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth in the United States are twice as likely as their peers to be harassed and excluded at school.

They’re optimistic about the future, but feel they have to leave home in order to live openly and achieve their goals.

And, disturbingly, they are more likely to be honest “on line” about their sexual orientation or gender identity since most feel that they do not have a supportive adult to talk to.

We can’t leave the issue of LGBT youth alienation unaddressed. It’s important to me, as your constituent and as a supporter of the Human Rights Campaign, that you read these survey results and keep them in mind when you speak and act on LGBT issues.

You can find the survey online here:

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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