According to a new poll by 10News San Diego, Congressman Bob Filner and City Councilmember Carl DeMaio are statistically equal in the San Diego mayoral race with Filner leading by a nominal three points. The poll reveals that Filner is a popular hit among younger voters with a 13 point gain for those under the age of 65. DeMaio leads by 15 points in the older demographic, age 65+, traditionally the most reliable voters. According to the news source, the older the electorate, the better DeMaio will do.
The male vote prefers DeMaio with a 7 point lead, while women prefer Filner by 13 – a 20-point gender gap between the two contenders.
According to News10:
While the race for mayor is non-partisan, 70% of Republicans vote for DeMaio, who is a Republican; 67% of Democrats vote for Filner, who is a Democrat. Independents favor Filner by 8 points. The contest currently is within the survey’s margin of error; Filner’s advantage may or may not be statistically significant.
Those who voted for Bonnie Dumanis in the 06/05/12 primary for San Diego mayor now favor Filner by a nearly 2:1 margin. Those who voted for Nathan Fletcher are evenly divided. Those who did not vote in the primary but who say they are certain to vote in the general election narrowly favor DeMaio.
Before the June 5 mayoral primary a similar 10News Poll accurately predicted that Filner and DeMaio would head to a November showdown. The poll accurately predicted the percentage of votes each candidate would receive within a 4.3% margin of error.
Both exclusive 10News Polls were conducted by SurveyUSA for ABC10/10News.
DeMaio is wrong for San Diego! He is placing his own personal agenda and the interests of his corporate sponsors before his constituents! Join the fight to stop DeMaio from destroying America’s Finest City! http://www.facebook.com/NotCarlDeMaio