Volunteers are needed at San Diego Democrats for Equality June 5 to get Democratic voters to the polls. The Registrar of Voters is predicting a light turnout, which makes every vote even more critical. If you can help with precinct walking, poll watching, distributing door hangers or making reminder calls to voters, sign up at www.sddemocrats.org/gotv or call (858) 277-3367. Even a couple of hours will make a big difference.
You can be assigned precincts to support any or all of our priority candidates:
Bob Filner for Mayor
Mat Kostrinsky for City Council
Dave Roberts for County Supervisor
Turn in Ballots at ANY Polling Place!
Polls open June 5 from 7:00am – 8:00pm
In this election, voter turnout is also about turn-in. A majority of San Diego voters were sent ballots in the mail, and many have not mailed them back.
Although ballots can NO longer be mailed, they can be turned in ANY polling place in the county between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5. You can look up your polling place here or click here to view a map of all polling places in the county.
The success of our candidates on Tuesday will depend largely on getting those ballots in before the polls close. So please make sure the Democratic and LGBT-friendly voters in your life — neighbors, family, friends — take part in this important election.
Don’t forgot to share the Democrats for Equality Voter Guide. Forward the link to your friends and have them download to when completing their ballot. Our endorsements can also be viewed at www.democratsforequality.org/2012-endorsements
Celebrate Our Victories!
Tuesday, June 5 – Stout Public House 8:00pm-11:00pm
After you have done your part making phone calls and knocking on doors to turn out Democratic voters, join us Tuesday night, from 8 – 11 p.m. at the Stout Public House, a pub at 1125 Sixth Ave. (between B and C Streets downtown San Diego), just three blocks from Election Central at Golden Hall for the San Diego Democratic Election Night Reception.