It’s true; I’m back after weeks in and out of hospitals; extensive travel; finding out that, after 50 years, some of my plastic surgery is shifting (a story in itself – stay tuned). Still, some days I’m in great shape; and other times I need to use a cane. Well, this golden girl is just trying to live every day as it comes. I thank so many of you for your concerns, emails, cards, calls, etc., etc.
As for you who have made voodoo dolls of me; you’re going to need a hell of a lot more pins, my darling fans.
The mayor’s race
As many of you know, I’ve had the honor to have served the last five mayors of San Diego and will be serving the next one, whomever he or she may be (my commission term does not end until 2016). I have not officially endorsed a candidate because of my friendship with three of them. I have helped all three when, separately, they asked.
For me, this has been a most difficult and painful campaign, as I’ve seen my friends attack each other in some ways that have crossed the line. This will indeed go down in history as our city’s most dirty and ugly campaign ever. Congressman Bob Filner is a longtime friend and champion of our community since the 1970s. If you look up the terms “civil rights,” you’d probably find his picture next to the definition.
But many do have concerns about Filner’s most relaxed, low-key, low-budget, low-energy campaign. Still Filner would be the most progressive mayor our city has ever had. Yes, I love and respect the man, though he drives me crazy.
Bonnie Dumanis cleaned up the district attorney’s office after a decade of controversy and corruption. She is a combination of Hillary Clinton and Margaret Thatcher. She would make a tough, get-the-job-done mayor if she is elected. She is indeed our own Iron Lady. I’ve become very close to her these last decades and love her like a daughter. If she were to be elected as our city’s first lesbian mayor, we could all be proud. She isn’t a politician, but a true public servant. Her campaign has not caught fire and the energy and the drive she had in her DA’s race has not been seen in this race.
It is Nathan Fletcher’s generation that can change the world. A world and society without wars, racism, homophobia, etc. I know that in this former Iraq war Marine’s heart beats a true Independent that would change San Diego politics forever. A good and true Christian and family man, once he started reaching the top of the polls all three opponents unleashed some of the most ugly, smearing, lying attacks on this young state assemblyman that I’ve seen in decades. I just hope that this has not continued to turn off young people from entering public service.
Then there’s Carl DeMaio, a young man who used to call me his “mother and mentor,” and someone I used to care about like a son and as people always remind me, broke down doors to introduce him to a sometimes reluctant GLBT community. One of San Diego’s most popular civic leaders, Donna Frye, has called Carl DeMaio a “political sociopath” and a “bully.”
Carl’s community has booed him. DeMaio has embraced and accepted endorsements and money from our region’s most hateful homophobes. Just this past weekend, he stood tall with pride on a stage with Mitt Romney. Carl DMaio, the only millionaire in this race has spent more than $2 million on campaigns, ballot initiatives, political action committees (PACs), attack ads and contributions. Yet sadly, he never gave even a $10,000 check to any AIDS agencies; our GLBT Center; the Prop. B marriage equality campaign, etc.

The Carl DeMaio I knew and, yes, loved like a son, is not the Carl of today and that is because of his lover, Johnathan Hale, who is the most dangerous, mean, negative, unbalanced and, yes, influential partner, wife, fiancé of any mayoral candidate to ever run for our office in our city’s history and this is Carl’s first love so that’s that. The good news, and listen to me well, is in every last mayoral race without an incumbent the candidate who wins the primary always goes on to lose the November election. I honestly, no matter what, pray for Bonnie, Bob, Nathan and Carl and their families, but most of all I pray for the city we all love.
My primary endorsements
For Congress: Lori Saldaña (D-District 52); Juan Vargas (D-District 51); Susan Davis (D-District 53)
State Senate: Marty Block (D); Assembly: Shirley Weber (D-District 79); Toni Atkins (D-District 78); Ben Hueso (D-District 80); City Council: Sherry Lightner (District 1); Marti Emerald (District 9); Todd Gloria (District 3); Matt Kostrinsky (District 7); Democratic Central Committee (78th A.D.): Gloria Johnson and Stephen Whitburn; School Board: Richard Barrera (District D); San Diego city propositions: No on “A” and no on “B”
From my heart, thank you!
As many of you know, there is a deeply spiritual side of me. I feel that community activists and leaders who have gone from this world have become angels who whisper into my ears. Though, yes, I have been founder or cofounder of the Harvey Milk Breakfast, AIDS Assistance Fund, the Center Gala Dinner, GLBT Walk of Honor, Harvey Milk Street campaign, Tijuana AIDS Fund, Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, Nicky Awards, Crime Stoppers’ Hate Crime Fund, Harvey Milk Ship Campaign, GLBT Wall of Honor, Holidays GLBT Family Dinners, International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico, the First GLBT student scholarship, etc. etc. etc., I may only be a vessel to deliver the words and ideas of those who now watch over and protect our community.
My “angels” and God have blessed me with many ideas, but most importantly; these kinds of things could never ever happen without my friends and supporters. You know who you are, and I am so grateful and humbled by your decades of support of my (at times) crazy visions.
During these last few years, my health and my battles have been like a rollercoaster ride. I would like to especially give my deep appreciation to Big Mike, Allan Spyere, Ben Dillingham, Carolina Ramos, Bruce Abrams, Sherman Mendoza, A.J. Turner, Alma Rosa Vasic, Rob Surreal, Mike Toney Monteleone, Nick Moede, Zarbo, Delores Jacobs, Robert Gleason, Stampp Corbin, Kurt Cunningham, Chris Shaw, Stuart Milk and so many others …
All my doctors, hospital emergency rooms
Well, I just returned from Italy, and Texas. Now I’m on my way to Kentucky this weekend. I’ll keep being an activist for the communities I love. I will continue to make mistakes, but hopefully God is not through with me yet and will let me finish my journey. (Thank you Rick Ford for more than 40 years.) I have truly been blessed with the friendship and support of so many of you. God bless you all and thank you.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico.
New video highlights Bob Filner’s experience as a regional leader!
Have you seen this video released last week detailing Bob’s history of creating positive change in San Diego? If not, see why so many voters know that Bob Filner is the only candidate with the leadership and experience needed to move our City toward a brighter future. As Bob said himself, we have the opportunity during this election to choose a new direction:
“Why not have a city where we dream again of greatness? So let’s dream! And working together we will make San Diego America’s greatest city.”
This election is nowhere near decided! Every vote will count, so please forward on to friends and family!
Please Like Bob on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.
Glad you are doing better, just slow down a little bit please.
I will be voting for Bob Filner, sorry, not at all impressed with any of the others.