Matchcover collectors from around California will gather at the Hotel Lafayette, 2223 El Cajon Blvd., in San Diego, for the 57th annual convention of the Associated Matchcover Clubs of California (AMCAL) April 19-21. The event is open to the general public.
There will be millions of matchcovers around the hotel, as collectors buy, sell and trade. There will be “free tables” piled high with matchbooks and match boxes available for the taking. There will be displays of historic matchcovers; dealer and trading tables; and three large matchcover auctions, one each afternoon.
Collecting matchbooks and match boxes has become one of the most popular hobbies in America. Many people begin by saving them as souvenirs of places they have visited and putting them in a large brandy snifter on the coffee table. Over the years, these accumulations grow into bona fide collections, usually with the matches removed and the covers flattened and placed in albums.
At the convention, collectors will be presenting colorful exhibits of prized covers, including displays on subjects like Disney theme parks, Navy ships, Route 66, celebrities, transportation and old hotels.
The local San Diego Matchcover Club, founded in 1975, meets monthly each second Sunday in Del Mar, with special events in March and December at Chevys restaurant in Del Mar.
For more information on AMCAL contact Doug Fouquet or Ed Brassard at 858-755-2311.