
Dear Editor,

… (Carl DeMaio’s life partner’s Web site) states, Carl’s “personal relationship” with (Johnathan) Hale means they won’t cover the race.

It’s all well and good until you go to their page and look at the tag for Mayors Race which is currently two pages and, yes, mostly made up of press releases, the bulk of which are Carl’s but there are some very noticeable exceptions – a story dated from Jan. 24 of this year with a byline of SDGLN Staff Reporter called “Carl DeMaio Releases Plan to Create Jobs in San Diego;” another story talking about “Gay Supports” or really a lack thereof from Gay San Diego; a write up about the then upcoming Forum; and finally the worst offender, “Carl Rises Above Troubled Upbringing” by the U-T. Well, I hate to break it to SDGLN but a lot of people overcome adversity: Madonna’s mom died when she was 5 but the singer later became Queen of Pop; Kylie Minogue had breast cancer; and I was molested by my next door neighbor and have dealt with homelessness as a youth, drug addiction issues and HIV to become San Diego’s most loved and loathed Drag Nun. Whereas Madge and Minnie’s struggles are important because they influence their body of art and mine explain my passion and drive for helping, the only thing I care about with politicians is their stance on issues I find important. And sorry Carl, as a gay man my rights are a big deal to me on all levels and to people like Mayor Bloomberg, Mayor Sanders and 82 other members of Mayors for Equality. Unless Carl is putting on some “mantyhose” and stilettos and dancing with Kazaky at Pride to a song called “Mayor Gone Wild” I don’t really need to out him about his personal life just the issues.

Now that’s all laid out, let’s look at the issue: the LGBT Forum’s lack of coverage (on Hale’s Web site). Probably the most important event for the SD LGBT community is ignored by its “largest news source,” for what reason? They have already broken their policy to publish fluff on Carl, which makes me believe they are trying to hide from their readers the fact that most LGBT people don’t like Carl, contrary to the story they are telling to sell.

Eric Hufford aka Sister Iona Dubble-Wyde

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