Michael Kobulnicky, a former Tea Party spokesman and prominent DeMaio campaign supporter, is facing four felony charges including kidnapping for rape and rape by foreign object, charges which, if found guilty, could get him life in prison.
At his bail review hearing, the woman who claimed that she was raped last month on Fiesta Island told the court, “This is not the man who attacked me,” explaining that she was shocked when she saw television footage of Kobulnicky being arraigned last week.
The statement contradicted the defense team’s narrative as they claimed last Friday that the accusations against the defendant came from a hitchhiker he had picked up in Linda Vista, and that they had a consensual sexual encounter on Fiesta Island.
The San Diego Police Department said that on Feb. 25 the woman had accepted a ride in a man’s car, but instead of going to her home, she was taken to Fiesta Island and sexually assaulted.
In light of the new testimony, Judge Theodore Weathers reduced Kobulnicky’s bail from $500,000 to $250,000. A preliminary hearing where the prosecution will present its evidence is scheduled for April 3.