A Taste of Honey

  A movie way, way, way before its time, Tony Richardson’s A Taste of Honey tells the story of a young white English woman (Rita Tushingham) who has an out-of-wedlock baby with a black sailor, and her gay roommate (Murray Melvin) is determined to be the stand-in father. In 1962. A classic of British “kitchen…

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National HIV/AIDS awareness day - White house - gay news

White House to commemorate National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

  The White House will observe National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on Wednesday, March 14th at 8:30a.m. EST through a live webcast event.  A part of the discussion, participants can expect topics to include intersection of HIV/AIDS, violence against women, and gender related health disparities. Interested participants are encouraged to log onto http://www.whitehouse.gov/live….

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Gay News - Sean Hughes

Gay Facebook co-founder and former social media advisor to President Obama purchases ‘The New Republic’

Chris Hughes announced he has purchased a majority share of The New Republic Friday, becoming the publication’s publisher and editor-in-chief – all at the tender age of 28. Hughes was the former social media advisor to then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008, and a co-founder of Facebook. The gay entrepreneur confirmed his interest and purchase in…

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