Celebrate marriage equality in yet another state

Gay News - San Diego
Nicole with Hall of Famer and former Chargers linebacker Junior Seau

Well I’m off to San Francisco for about four days and then some rest and on to Vancouver and New York.

People, politics and opinions

Well, it finally happened! Former Log Cabin Republican president, Will Rodriguez-Kennedy has re-registered as a Democrat. Though I have not endorsed anyone officially in the Saldaña and Peters race I am now leaning heavily toward Lori Saldaña. I don’t like the beating up on Saldaña that’s happening mostly because Peters has more money. Not a good enough reason for many of us. I have decided to support Shirley Weber, for the state Assembly, whom I have known and respected for almost three decades.

No, I haven’t made an endorsement in the upcoming county supervisor’s race, but I am leaning toward Steve Danon. Well, all I have to say to Ralph Denney and his fourth run for the state Assembly is good luck. Ralph is a nice enough guy but our hearts belong to Toni Atkins, period. I strongly urge your support for the re-election of Councilwoman Sherri Lightner – a true public servant of the people.

Yes, Allan Spyere is back in San Diego and, yes, he has high profile attorneys and, yes, we called our contacts with the state department, etc, etc. I’ve done this with others needing my assistance and what was one of the first things Spyere did when he got out? Continue with the Imperial Court’s monthly visits to senior convalescent hospitals to spend time with shut-in seniors.

transgender san diego
Presenting the original rainbow motif Pride flag: (L to R) Nick Moede, Pepper Price, Robb Rodriguez, Ajax, Tom, Benjamin Nicholls

Washington celebrates marriage equality

It was great spending three days in the latest state where marriage equality was passed by both houses and signed into law by their governor, Chris Gregoire. Of course, now the radical right has organized to get this issue on the ballot and overturn it in November. As I said in one of my speeches, “Time, indeed history, is on our side as we of the GLBT equality movement are the civil rights movement of the 21st century.” The whole time I was in Seattle it was on and off pouring rain. Michael Zarbo of the San Diego Filipino Cultural Society stopped by the Seattle Filipino Community Center as San Diego is looking to build one here. Sunday we went to one of the most beautiful churches in the region, St. James Cathedral. I was pretty booked up with events and meetings so I didn’t get to check out any of the gay nightlife.

Check out Revivals

I just love Revivals (1644 University Ave.), the best secondhand thrift store on the West Coast. Best prices and super-friendly staff and volunteers.

Like many of you I’m struggling to make ends meet and Revivals has everything at super-low prices during these difficult economic times for many of us. Revivals is heaven-sent.

Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsd@aol.com.

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