A student at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts says she was punched in the face by two people after writing a pro-marriage equality article which appeared in the university’s student newspaper. The university is planning a rally Tuesday in support of the student journalist to be held at the school’s Moakley Center.
Destinie Mogg-Barkalow, 20, was allegedly approached by a man and a woman who asked her if she was the author of her opinion piece “Prop 8 generates more hate,” an article that called supporters intolerant and bigoted. She says the woman punched her in the face after she confirmed she had written the piece and walked away giggling.
The two suspects have not been identified but the case is being investigated. No arrests have been made.
Dana Mohler-Faria, Bridgewater State University president, says the school has a “zero tolerance for any such actions that impede or curtail the right of the members of our campus community to express themselves freely,” she told The Boston Globe. She added, “We stand together, both in strongly condemning this action and in reaffirming our shared commitment to create a campus community that values and respects all.”